
There is no rule for commenting here that says you have to like the program. I'm not 'barging in' anywhere. I'm offering my opinion for why this is a terrible, bland, conservative show. You are just trolling me with snide nonsense for 2 weeks running. So, as there is no block function, I'm not taking you seriously but

I don't care. It's really, really amusing.

I believe Vikings is a better tv show. For a whole host of reasons.

But she is not the only one who ''understands'' that. Rick is a cop. He ''understands'' that it may be necessary to use lethal force. However, she is the only one who is empowered by it and she clearly gets off on that. Carol is just like the Governor now.

Her problem is that killing is her first, last and only solution. This is not viable. It's inhumane. This is the Wolves solution.

Yes this is true. The Wolves have been made simply plot devices much like the Termites last year. This undermines the symbolism and the themes that the Walking Dead is exploring which is why so many people think the show is now repetitive.

Rick, knifing Carter after he was bitten (therefore already dead), screaming, drawing Walkers and thus ruining the plan and endangering everyone, was pragmatic. Carol, knifing the Alexandrian when she had only been slashed, was her empowering herself in the only way she knows how: ruthless killing. Killing is Carol's

I always love how the most vocal fans of Carol or whoever would probably actually be Gabriel or Nicholas in an actual

lol 'a no brainer' is always such a ridiculous phrase. For me I take it literally, you would do that cos you have no brain lol.

she offers 'no quarter' because that's how she feels empowered (which she subliminally enjoys).

Was the girl a sociopath or did she learn from Carol (her teacher)?

Yes exactly everyone thinks their way will work but so far none have.

upvote for not watching talking dead!

It was only after the fact that Morgan pointed it out that she seemed to reflect on it. She was clearly happy to put down the Alexandrian herself, clearly happy to be running amok.

I don't get how people think Rick and Carol are the same? Carol is a domestic abuse survivor who was essentially freed by the zombie apocalypse. She is now embracing a certain darwinian dog eat dog ethos cos she equates the destruction wrought by the ZA with her own empowerment. She actually is getting a kick out of

I dunno, I just prefer the old fashioned way of suspending my disbelief for the hour.

I was actually one of those people that made that point last week :) I suppose the writers have to take all the internet spoilers culture on board and just have to try harder to create the tension. so I too can't fault them for taking him out of the credits.

Its really conservative in everything. It's just a bland show. Everything it's doing has literally been done before and better. I'm also talking about Vikings the show not Vikings the historical people from what today is scandinavia. I couldn't give a shit about either them or Anglo-Saxons.

'mind-bendingly stupid' or just really really desperate? At least, it's my hope that it will be revealed that there is some material reason driving them beyond they;re all just pyschopaths. cos that's just boring.

no I'm pretty sure - as someone who studies this period - that I'm not.