Don Miguelito

Has anyone written a piece on why Fred VanVleet went undrafted? Because when I watch him play, I don’t really understand how the hell that happened. He fills in all the holes, plays with tons of confidence, two-way, the whole thing. I don’t understand how guys like this can’t get a sniff in the mid-second round but

I would have paid CASH MONEY to see that.

God I hope it was one of those where he thought it was about to be over 10 or 12 times, only for the collection plate to come back out for Sister Letha’s foot surgery.

Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...

“a black mother whose child forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer”

I loathe when people say “why give them something to get fired up about”.

He just wants Jacksonville fans to bring their A-game to the pro-bowl.

I’d be a lot less conflicted in my Patriots fandom if Pop and Belichick switched teams

I’m 100% convinced there’s a training course Pats are required to go through to learn this art form as part of the Patriots Way™ 

If anyone with a fistfull of rings needs Jalen Ramsey to motivate them right now, the Pats are probably fucked.  

This would imply that the Patriots are human and not just soulless automatons sent to destroy the NFL.

I’m just gonna throw it out there that the pats would have won that game regardless of what anthony smith said. Pink Skull there made a really good point, I don’t think Brady is suddenly gonna take it up a notch because some corner said he wanted to play in the super bowl to his hometown fans. Also, you kinda got

Yeah, cause no team has ever talked up beating the Pats and then done it, except for the 2010 jets, and Plaxico before Super Bowl XLII, even giving a score 21-17, that was somehow generous to the Patriots offense.

I spend every day waiting to hear that Belichick violates HIPAA rules by gathering private information on all player’s wives and girlfriends to make sure that they are not having children outside of the designated birthing portion of the year (Early March through early May), as any other time would be deemed an

Plaxico Burress guaranteed a superbowl win against the pats. Worked for him

Based on the historical record (the reaction to the Vinatieri kicks, the Butler interception, the Blount Brady Belichick group hug last year) literally the one time Belichick permits human expression is in the gap between the winning play of the super bowl and the trophy being handed out, so you basically get 30

Jalen Ramsey revolutionizing shit-talking by being the first man to trash talk the Super Bowl Bye Week.

I wanna know what’s in the secret stuff

Burying the lede here

He missed his calling as a heel for the WWF in the 80s.