
Like everything but the faux fur on the seats...

They should act like Ferrari and hand select the buyers, then make the buyers sign contracts that specifically prohibit modifying the car in any shape or form.

If they had incorporated the Audi's construction with the Buick's features and the Lexus' design, it would have been a world class car. The climate control on the Buick is fascinating to me. I still wonder why more functions aren't available for the passenger to manipulate...and from a relaxed position. Why must we

Someone should come up with a Google Streetview kitten meme.

Looks like worn tires on the BMW...

I had hoped to never hear about this car again. You have failed me, Jalopnik.

With that kind of acceleration, "chugging" a Coke is more accurate. The G-forces probably did all the work for him, he just had to open the gullet.

After you're done with that video and are feeling a little short-handed due to the lack of Shepherd Smith commentary, be sure to click on the video link about the two female teachers getting it on in school.

This is pretty much all that is necessary to "render" a new Audi:

9 days, huh? Still probably made over a million dollars...

I've never disliked Jay Leno. And after hearing this news, I don't think that it will ever be possible to not like him. This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I'd do with enough money.

When keeping it JDM goes wrong...

I wanted this to have at least 4 seats and a small gasoline engine. Maybe next time...

His '67 Chrysler Imperial Crown Coupe changed my opinion of old-school Mopars. THAT is a nice car...

Stupid lady. You're supposed to buckle-up before you adjust the mirrors.

Awesome...good thing there's no chance for an enemy airstrike.

This kid has to have Asperger's Syndrome. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I applaud the effort to dail back the rate of change for the sake of change in your print edition. This month's issue was indeed a major improvement from the front to the back and I especially like the new title pages for the articles and the photography that accompanies each. You all deserve a pat on the back...

I'll take that black/white Kung Fu Panda edition, please...