
@jmeadicicco: In was kidding... Should have ended with :)

@jmeadicicco: What do you mean "Nobody's perfect"? I don't understand. :(

@kylecpcs: Well... I agree in some ways. I don't drive BMW, but most of the "breakthrough" features found in GM, Ford, or in my case, Dodge, have been available in BMW vehicles for nearly 10 years... Whether you are talking about engine, transmission, breaking system, or the navigation systems, the luxury car

@kylecpcs: In other news BMW still only has 1.9% of the US Market Share and ranked 14th in the world market, but still manage to make plenty of money.

@aec007: I don't think they were opening that can of worms were they? I think they were simply showing the hardware sales, not OSX vs. WINDOWS, right?

I'm going to give credit to David Letterman's writers for this press conference. I don't think ole' Steve-O minds if the local NBC/ABC/CBS broadcast news say anything because nobody listens to them anyway. However, once comedians start cracking jokes, everybody hears about it.

@docTorbin: But ultimately, shouldn't it "just work".

@neverbeenback: Now we're bragging. Jeeze... Does the arrogance ever stop? ;)

@Hungry Hippo: I didn't realize you were an expert at the game. I'm merely going off of what I see in the video. It looks like you have to actually grab a letter that is spread out all over the screen. In fact, it doesn't look like you can just wipe your hand until it grabs a letter. Looks like you have to initiate

@nad2244: Once again with the name calling. Somebody sounds slightly jealous of Americans. That is sort of sad and funny at the same time.

@nad2244: Don't have to get racist with you "pitiful nation" comment. Jeeze. It's a blog about Apple. Hardly something worth name calling.

@spleenbegone1: but it's not a necessity. The amish do well without, so I'm told.

@Hungry Hippo: Okay... I'll bite. I like a good troll encounter every now and then. The difference is, you have to put the correct letter in the correct spot. The letter does not start on the right and slide into place regardless of the angle.

@Dwight-K-Schrute & @(Splat): Man, that Russell kid is an idiot. One year old and he isn't actually spelling? I don't think anybody accused the kid of actually "spelling" anything. Simply said it was more than unlocking a phone.

Now playing

This kid is 1 and he's doing more than unlocking an iPhone.

@Andy Mesa: I wish I were as lucky as you guys. If I hold my iphone 4 in my left hand so I can type with my right, I lose all voice and 3G data.

Does anybody else find it hilarious that they keep saying things like "gripping" the iPhone, as though all the people holding the device are using all their might to contain the phone and remove the signal.

@Vidlearn: I tried a case and it did not work. Sorry... I tried a bumper. I don't know if there is really a difference.

@pouncep: So if a big company that makes money and sells something that hasn't physically hurt anybody, we sue the shit out of them? These laws are created to protect people, not screw the system. The sad thing is, the only people making money off of these lawsuits are the lawyers.