
I’m slowly getting out of that situation with the Moore films you mention. They are very one-and-done for a lot of people.

A religious institution behaving according to bronze-age morals? I am shocked!

Bad situation. Feel terrible for your average VW employee or salesman that is going to struggle for no fault of their own.

Bland blah blah need mohr wagon blah turbo blah brown blah blah diesel

Thats a really pretty grill, not a huge grill like most car now.

Stories like this are so frustrating. If we should have a conversation about measures for protecting the President or anyone else under the purview of the Secret Service, that’s fine, but it’s unfair to beat on these guys for this one. They were following a well established protocol, not acting on a whim. If they

“Strong emissions standards are in place for the benefit of public health” That from a GOP-led committee. That is rich.

The worst people in the world will hold an ethical hearing about the actions of the second-worst people in the world.

“Who will feign the most outrage? Who will be utterly confused by what’s going on? And who will defend Volkswagen to the death because the company maintains a factory in their district? Can’t wait to find out.” Perfect. This.

Yes, plenty. Only their competence doesn’t make for click worthy articles. It’s the screw ups that everyone wants to read.

How is rightfully controlling who crosses your border shameful? Are you suggesting that the concept of a nation is inherently shameful?

How many unvetted refugees are you willing to allow to settle in your neighborhood and support with your tax dollars? These people drink bottled water, you know.

Hopefully what we’re actually watching is Europe developing a backbone and telling all the people hell bent on the destruction of European culture to shut the hell up, while at the same time defending their borders from the massive illegal immigration / invasion that is taking place.

Three time offender. How many chances do you give a guy to follow the rules and the contract he signed?

Her initial response to the comment was just fine. I do object that she seems to have chosen to use the man’s real name. The guy’s message was inappropriate, but he didn’t deserve to be publicly shamed. Frankly, I think less of her as a person now than I do him. I am sick of people of all viewpoints believing that

I’m noticing that Jezebel is trying to make Trevor Noah the next person to “hate” and I’m not into it. Dude didn’t say there was equal rights in Hollywood. He acknowledged that women comedians are getting shit done right now. He addressed that in HIS interview. A space where he could have talked about anything else,

You recounted what happened, and mention that they were warned. You didn’t even try to dig deeper? Did you reach out to Boeing to get their side of the story? Did you see how often this type of failure happens worldwide and among different planes to give us perspective? Did you reach out to the FAA to see if they gave

I don’t think you can be that invested in a joke without actually meaning it to some extent. What’s the phrase about truth being said in jest? Or maybe she views it as performance art?

She’s at it here too. My teenager has more maturity than this.

wow what a fuckin psycho