
While everyone, including the bikers themselves, acknowledges that the sport can be dangerous, riders use hand signals and even ride in grassy areas to avoid intermingling with car traffic.


It’s a part of a flight attendant’s job and if I’m on a flight that serves alcohol but I can’t get it because my flight attendant happens to be a fundie who thinks she should be entitled to impose her beliefs on others, that’s a problem. It doesn’t matter whether or not it affects your health. And it makes everyone’s

I’m not ok with it. If I’m on a plane and have to wait half an hour for the non-fundie FA on the other end of the plane to serve me my drink because the one serving me can’t give me booze because of her beliefs, that’s affecting me and affecting the quality of the service. So no, I’m not ok with this lady. If you’re

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

It’s really kind of funny and maybe a bit telling that women don’t like Bumble. “Oh look! A bunch of dudes that I don’t have to sort through the creeps and get creep messages. Oh, wait, now I have to be the one with an interesting conversation starter? FUCK NO.”

It’s almost like we have to hold the perpetrators responsible for the actions they commit and try to find a way to remove that attitude of violence from the community.

It isn’t all you can do. Shut it down if there is a history of violence. It’s pretty damned easy.

I feel like... the lede has kinda been buried here. The stabbing and shootings should have been an independent article, since that kind of senseless violence doesn’t really mesh with a celebration of the parade’s costumes. I would really love to see more photos of the revelers, though - they do look great! Just maybe

He wasn’t targeted, he was killed by a stray bullet out of the THIRTY bullets someone unleashed on the crowd. That’s why this headline kills me—they’re pretending the costumes are the headline when several people have already been shot and I’ve been hearing sirens and fighting outside my window all freakin’ day.

I notice how the original article about the shooting has been removed. This parade has been plagued by violence and death every. single. year. Gun violence is an issue, but this event in particular attracts criminal elements and, as someone who lives in the neighborhood, most people I know choose to stay indoors

OK I was not expecting that from the headline. “Hey look at these cool costumes, oh yeah some people got stabbed and stuff but whatever.”

No country is obliged to give a visa to anyone. Here is a very short list of some of the people who have been denied visas to enter the USA (some were subsequently readmitted): Amy Winehouse, Boy George, Nigella Lawson, Lily Allen, Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), etc.

I’m growing more and more uncomfortable with the seemingly increasing progressive notion that people’s backgrounds must be fully delved into and punishment doled out for things they did years and years ago, retroactive, permanent punishment. It strikes me as so anti-liberal.

Outside of the media, who’s talking about this?

I love how Casey cropped the original to remove the watermark and place his own there ....

Why is Gawker so callously irresponsible as to glorify this kind of stupid stunt by posting about it? Giving kids fame for being so dumb leads to horrible accidents.

I feel like Amazon Prime has always been an unreal proposition from the get-go. If I want to pony up the 3.99 extra, I can even get things overnight. Their customer service is also, unreal. I’ve NEVER had a bad experience with it. From a customer-facing standpoint, they’re tops. From an employer standpoint, I’m not so

So you can’t be sued for fraud if you aren’t a publicly traded company? That doesn’t sound right. Also they just claimed 80,000 women signed up “last week” in response to people questioning the number of real women using their site. There is no way that is anything but wrong.

Why is it not blatantly illegal to tell lies about your business? I don’t understand how they are not getting shut down and sued into oblivion right now.