
If you get out of your race car on an active race track an walk INTO THE PATH of another race car with the intentions of starting a fight with the driver and you get hurt, it is YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone. YOU have no idea what stewart saw because you aren’t him. YOU have no idea how difficult a car like that can

I think you misunderstand the job of street cops. They don’t solve crimes, they aren’t detectives and the requirements to be one are quite low seeing as it is entry level. They are law enforcement, usually meaning they get a call that you broke the law and they come to haul your ass to jail with sufficient evidence.

The article said they were talking about this after ten minutes of baby talk with a dog. They were obviously just fucking around in the office. Obviously the way they talked about this woman was wrong, but I think there’s a pretty huge leap to be made between “shooting the shit at the office = unable to make logical

And my arguments aren’t being made in regards to this case specifically, or even rape specifically, but to our criminal justice system in general. It really bugs me when I see people react to any criminal case like a bloodthirsty mob. And I understand that rape prosecution is a sensitive topic that has been ignored


Women do this all of the time to both binary genders. So do men. People judge each other and make assumptions, that’s what they do.

Oh, fuck off. Everybody does or has done this in private. It’s called gossip, or “hot or not”, or whatever. This is ridiculously overblown.

I think that labeling our criminals as sociopaths and locking them away to “protect” society at large is not a civilized form of justice. Is this fucker a sociopath? Maybe. Is he a teenager who went to a school that had a history of rape culture that was presented to him as the norm and probably never faced any

Yes, he committed a heinous act. Yes, he deserves some form of punishment. But seriously? You would have no moral qualms over killing a rapist, or sending a teenager to jail for a significant percentage of their life? Harsh punishment as a form of deterrence has been shown time and time again to not work. We need to

It says that the new CEO has cut their wages in half and reneged on previous agreements for a XMas bonus. They have a right to be pissed.

I feel like this was an elabourate rouse by the Chinese government to show the population “they” are under “constant attack” by the “foreigners”. Otherwise, why would you admit to knowing its purpose and that they’re on alert?

Facebook just became Geocities?

Nope. Disney is digging up your beloved puppy that you got on Christmas but died on your birthday that was Feb 14th.

I’m a Star Wars guy. Always was. I was six years old in May ‘77. This morning I drank coffee from a Stormtrooper mug while reading the second issue of Lando. Just saying, my bona fides are solid.

I also live in Seattle and have a lot of friends that work for Amazon or used to, and I think you’re right. The word is getting out - that’s why so many new employees (and they all seem to be new) are foreign and/or very young.

Ironically Amazon isn’t profitable, and if it’s sole purpose is making money it fails miserably. Oh, it could be very profitable if it wanted to be, but Bezos seems intent on reinvesting every penny it makes to expand his empire. Drives Wall Street nuts.

I wouldn’t do it. No point. What could you possibly gain from that kind of culture? Eventually quality candidates will dry up and change will have to come but that kind of mess is going to be aweful to cleanup. 15% of their workforce has been there more than 5 years. That’s crazy

I worked at Amazon for 4 years, 3 months, long enough for all my stocks to vest before I got the fuck out.

I only know the software development side, but it’s bad. I was in Kindle, Kindle Store, and Amazon Instant Video, working as a quality assurance engineer, which thankfully allowed me to rarely work more than 40

They didn’t even want you going to the bathroom except for their set break times.

- Splitting a check in an itemized fashion.