
The writers at Gawker would have voted to zoom in.

Also, Gawker’s business model consists of summarizing a fair number of articles from the Daily Mail so it’s weird to read this:

Fact checked something that purportedly happened during a drug fueled party in 1976, almost 40 years ago, where the main witness is dead? It doesn’t sound like HP contacted either Jett or Currie. So what exactly did that fact checking consist of? Talking to Jackie? Oh wait, she said that her managers never forced to

To be fair to Joan, Jackie felt the same way as recently as 2009.

“I’m sort of curious if Jett and Currie are remembering this incorrectly.”

“It’s better to just admit that you acted shitty because you were too young and inexperienced to deal with the seriousness of the situation, than it is to accuse Jackie of lying because it goes against the “tough girl champion of the downtrodden” image you’ve created for yourself.”

“Let me tell you what was going on: A girl was raped in front of a bunch of people.”

Your odds in 2015 of actually figuring out what happened at drug fueled party on New Years almost 40 years ago are pretty remote ...

I understand these points and think you make some very good ones. But I also think that punishment is individual, not collective or cumulative. In the end, his comments were a shove to the shoulder and yet he’s “shouldering” the burden of anyone (any scientist) who’s ever been demeaning to women. That strikes me as

Yeah, that was a typo ... I must have been daydreaming about the Zeiss Otus Distagon, which is a 55mm ... haha

Gee, why don’t you try lecturing the “hundreds” of the female scientists who wrote to support him or maybe just the “top female scientists” who testified to his support for women in science because those women obviously don’t get it and you do.

Gee, why don’t you try lecturing the “hundreds” of the female scientists who wrote to support him or maybe just the “top female scientists” who testified to his support for women in science because those women obviously don’t get it and you do.

“Several female scientists and commentators defended Hunt. Dame Athene Donald, a professor of Physics and fellow of the Royal Society, said Hunt “was always immensely supportive of the ERC’s work around gender equality”.

He’s also a guy who was awarded the Nobel prize for a discovery that opened up new avenues for cancer research ... the internet is great at tearing things down, but I wonder how many anonymous Gawker internet commenters are going to replace his work on cancer.

Also, understand that you’re a completely anonymous commenter who faces zero responsibility for your comments ... zero. There’s no investigation into your life, no scrutiny of your past positions, no comments from your ex-wife, nothing. The medium absolutely matters because anonymous internet comments (where most of

I actually can’t think of any other site that traffics so heavily in the internet shame spiral as Gawker and its affiliates. It’s easy to express unlimited outrage when none of your own acts are up for debate. It’s like throwing stones from an invisible house. Making an anonymous rip isn’t the same as commenting

Seeing as this argument was one made before the California Labor Commission, it apparently doesn’t “fail on its face.” Also, Uber drivers are required to follow a litany of detailed requirements imposed on them by Uber and they are graded, and are subject to termination, based on their failure to adhere to these

Uber created and owns the Uber app. The app tells drivers exactly when and where (down to the specific GPS coordinates) a customer is to be picked up in specific type of Uber vehicle. (You can’t drive anything, there are strict requirements as to the make, model, year, etc. of the car.)

“The US has one approach, Europe has another, and neither one is really any good.”