
Sure, and of course, “they” don’t really decide anything ... the shareholders do.

Forget those American banksters, the real thing that’s bring the US down is that damn Swiss soccer organization!!!1!

Forget the banksters, I’m glad to see that the Feds are attacking the real corruption that’s destroying the United States ... a soccer organization.

I never said the quote was from the story. So I’ll leave it “as is.” Thanks though.

I see her latest line is spreading the “calculated vendetta” bit to try and dampen the impact of Nungesser having multiple accusations against him.

“Did you miss the part where she only reported it because she heard he had raped someone else? “

“What Anon experienced sounds like a sex assault which would have escalated if she hadn’t defended herself and left.”

“The police were interested in following up ...” Do you have any evidence of that?

“ ... but sorrier still you don’t have compassion for what this author went through.”

Well, the author reported him after being one of several women approached by Emma. It wasn’t her initial thought to report him: “I wasn’t emotionally scarred or anything. I’m used to people grabbing my ass in bars that’s the shifty state of the world today. Honestly, I didn’t even think it was a reportable offense

“She did go to the police but ended up dropping it because she didn’t want to deal with the investigators”

Neither the Columbia investigation, nor the NY County District Office investigation, is charged with determining someone’s “innocence.” They both look at whether there’s sufficient evidence to bring a claim and both declined to bring one.

It’s not quite like getting stabbed in the face. Here’s a quote from Anonymous: “I wasn’t emotionally scarred or anything. I’m used to people grabbing my ass in bars that’s the shifty state of the world today. Honestly, I didn’t even think it was a reportable offense covered by the misconduct policy.”

“That you don’t find the incident to rise to that level is irrelevant.”

54k views is quite a bit and I wonder if they also sent over a check for any ill-gotten ad revenue to Cracked (spoiler alert: they didn’t) or even bothered to apologize to Cracked directly. Of course, you need go back no further than Friday to find a completely unsubstantiated hit piece on Louis C.K. with Jordan

It’s a little much to see Gawker go nuts over the Brian Williams story and ethics in journalism and then pull this shit ...

We use the shorthand phrase “rocket scientist” to refer to people of extraordinary intelligence, but if they were really that smart, I think they would have come up with a rocket that doesn’t explode into a million pieces by now.

“But for real, how is bullfighting still a thing?”