Congrats on finding any excuse to talk about Roe V Wade by using a 7 year old video game as a trojan horse to get in on a gaming website.
Im Pro Choice and it needs better arguments than this weak reach.
Congrats on finding any excuse to talk about Roe V Wade by using a 7 year old video game as a trojan horse to get in on a gaming website.
Im Pro Choice and it needs better arguments than this weak reach.
Alternatively, you can wear with pride you dont have the trophy because you werent a creep. Not all trophies are positive in the digital or real world.
Glad i walked away from the series. I would hate to give money to douchebags like this.
You are 100 percent wrong. The association came from 4chan knowing they can convince the media of anything and make them run with it so they started it as a troll. Since the media really wants there to be boogymen out there they didnt care if it was really associated or not they ran with it then people like you read…
The decision of a developer isn’t the decision of the community as a whole. Most don’t care either way and arent bothered, Skullgirls didnt really shake the world and not too many concurrent players.
Im seeing in places that its for health reasons and not assholes. Any comments?
Most of Zacks weekend editor work seemed to be waiting for youtubers to do real work then create a small article that was cliff notes of the youtubers well done content.
Can we expect more of that from him?
You aren’t smart enough, informed enough or unbiased enough to report on political things Ethan.
Biden is a sexual abuser and you ignore ALL of that talk to push the false drink bleach narrative. You are a horrible excuse for a journalist.
So how high can you set the income tax of the workers in this super leftest game?
Really feeling like the Echo Chambers are getting emptied out at Kotaku. Heres hoping for a better future for the site.
This really inst game news of any sort just an excuse to crap on musk by cherry picking hot takes about the situations.
What evil stuff has he done exactly? Im not defending im just wondering what actually makes him an evil villain. I know he has some some things i would call bad but they are technically small time…
“The Odin summon was particularly neat in the way it appeared to cleave enemies in two with its special attack,”
Proceeds to show a gif of an enemy cut into thirds.
What a nonsense article. If she did any of that in her identifiable work uniform or on work property thats absolutely causation for being fired. I dont think she SHOULD be but pretending theres no reasonable excuse is poppycock.
“enforce recommended social distancing practices”
You dont typically enforce recommendations, thats not how a recommendation is supposed to work. You enforce mandates, rules or laws.
Nothing at all to do with vidya games. Why is this here instead of i09 or something?
This wont get a single on the fence vote for bernie, not a single one. Waste of time and effort.
“It shouldn’t take being good at a fighting game to get respect” this is kinda nonsense and implies people just go around being jerks to everyone who isn’t good. The people who are jerks are jerks because they are jerks. Its not because of how good someone is, their gender or otherwise. They will use one of these…
Just like a kotaku writer to make writing about a game about you. This game is 3 years old theres really no reason at all to be writing about it or covering it. Its just using video games as a vessel to talk about yourself and your not all that dark family secret.
No evidence he touched anyone, no story corroboration what so ever by anyone the accuser said was there as well including her own friends. If i were to say you drugged me and took advantage of me there would legally be as much evidence that you are a rapist as there is saying he is a rapist. That’s why he got…
If its not exclusive to sports then whats the point? Theres plenty of other places for non sports content if thats what people want to write about or read about.
You dont go to a hamburger joint for pizza or vice versa.