
I’m not going to get into either of those things because I’m not interested in defending Mueller’s past transgressions.

If you earn millions of dollars for your school, you deserve to be paid fairly for it. $50k/year is fucking insulting for the work these adults do. $500k is still probably too low for top schools.

Again I ask, where is my media coverage?

So what happens when the rest of the world realizes that a broke as fuck United States dollar shouldn’t be the global reserve currency?

Yeah, but they’re also fucking terrible.

Counterpoint: It’s not good, and is actually just as bad if not worse than their other bland garbage music, regardless of what we label it. 

As someone who futilely donned the cape of “Captain Save-a-Troll” far too many times, I’d highly advise you to let this contrarian go. It’s not worth raising your blood pressure engaging with stupidity for such a length of time. Basically he’s/she’s pulling the same stunt that the GOP is by deflecting the blame of the

It’s bad that DJT is offering to pay for the release of America hostages and prisoners overseas. It is worse that he then stiffs, and brags about it, the other side after they are released. Eventually people will stop negotiating with the US government for the release of these people as it will be seen as a bad

Neal is being assiduously careful because he’s building a court case. He doesn’t expect that they’ll cough anything up by the 23rd - he’s taking their response and pointing out explicitly why it’s not good enough, so that it becomes eminently clear in court that he’s dotted every i and crossed every t.

Welp, its not the first time I’ve been accused for ruining somebody else’s classic joke. And quite rightfully so.

Stephen. Not Nicholas. 

Do you really think I give a shit? I don’t even like Pete Buttigieg. I don’t want him to be president. I just want a tiny slice of Twitterdom to wake up and realize that (a) they are misanthropic assholes and (b) they aren’t moving the needle on anything in the real world. So few people care about, or even understand,

“We just want to know why you didn’t, and why it took you so long to figure it out.”

Coincidentally, Lonely Master was 2/3 of my high school nickname.

Stewart’s celebration reminds me of the current Giant wide receivers trying to run a sluggo route.

The biggest existing filter for that these days is called the republican party. It’s base is the biggest collection of marks and rubes seen since the egress at a P.T. Barnum exhibit. I mean there’s an entire cottage industry built on fleecing these suckers of their money.

Does Jeanine Pirro bathe in the blood of murdered refugees?  I’m just asking questions.  I’m not saying that Jeanine Pirro bathes in the blood of murdered refugees, I’m just trying to start a debate.

In fact, here’s him at Mar-a-Lago retelling the story.

Yeah, that’s the takeaway here.

I listen mostly for the Trump question of the week and the dick pills ad.