
This had me until the gratuitous girl on girl scene. Also the whole jumping off the balcony with the noose thing. That was the good thing about John Wick. It didn’t dilute with sex scenes and there were no dumb stuff like jumping off a balcony with one end of the noose type of things that make you say “wtf”. Hand

Shielding her from this is not the answer. You need to teach her to recognize this situation and how to deal with it, discuss it, disect it, etc. You can bet there will be plenty of times when something like this, or worse, happens and you are not there. Then what?

This is taking things a bit too far. Instead of not letting her play the game let her play and talk about things. You can bet she is going to encounter stuff like this when you are nowhere to be found. This crap is going to happen. It’s about how you teach them to recognize it and fight against it. Not shield