“we should not be used as a platform to spread false information and bizarre conspiracies.”
“Science should not be partisan”
This right here. If only Seth Curry had made BOTH free throws instead of just one at the end. If only they had bothered to stop D’Lo and not allow him to force the second OT.
Cold tires and 1.5 psi off. We all know why...
Also The Clash isn’t that weird a band to try to get someone into? They are pretty classic/popular (so many big hits) and also not that objectionable. It’s not like trying to get someone into The Misfits and starting with Last Caress or Bullet or something (considering how common Misfits tees and buttons are I wonder…
I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I…
Exactly. Not one of these a-holes mentioned The Good Place or Battlestar ‘Frackin’ Galactica! Feldercarb!
Because that’s not how you win elections. Being the most principled loser doesn’t help you forward any political positions. It does help you get a bunch of young urban coastal voters, and if they weren’t functionally disenfranchised by virtue of not living in one of the handful of places where votes count, that…
“OMG He supports something remotely achievable like a public option, he is essentially a mix between Trump and Hitler”
Like, we can’t even pass a goddamn federal tax increase, and they are talking about tuition-free college and single payer healthcare as if it’s something a president could wave a magic wand at and get the day after the election. I’m so tired of this shit.
It would be much better if he just promised a bunch of crap that will never pass senate in 100 years, because the splinter child bloggers know thats how governance really works.
Let’s break this down. First, O’Rourke seems to be proposing “investments” in community college so people can graduate debt-free and train to become welders or other skilled jobs, because we’re “ not producing enough trained Americans to fill right now.”
Right car brand....wrong model. Should have used a FORESTER.
I PRAY for the k8nd, sweet death pets have had: at-home euthanasia in the quiet of their own home, dozing in their fave spot, surrounded by people who love them after being spoiled rotten in their last weeks. Yes, please, find me a future caretaker who gives me that death. I cannot think of a better way to go.