
Eh Green Day used to be punk at one point in time

This at least puts the reason for talking about Beto up front instead of burying the lede and- hold on, did you just refer to Fugazi and Minor Threat as shitty punk rock? Are you all Green Day fans or some shit

“Naturally, the fact that the sentient loaf of bread reigned supreme on the early cash scoop led to at least one very dumb campaign email.”

Say what you will about Beto, but I will not stand idly by and let you categorize Ian MacKaye/Dischord Records as “shitty punk rock”. Them’s fightin’ words!

He was a Congressperson and is actually engaged in these issues, and has out himself in position where this judgement can make a difference. He’s got good energy and a thoughtful demeanor, but yeah, his policy plans are fairly nebulous; he has 18 months to fill in the blanks! Voting for President isn’t voting for a

“I remember the first time I red-lined apartments in NYC to gain my father’s approval.

~ Former Sha Na Na singer, Donald Trump

Part of me thinks the author just wanted to plug his own punk creds. But I’m trying to be less cynical—by like, at least 3%.

It’s not so much a woosh as plugging their ears and going:

Did you see that bird on the podium with Bernie!? Beto never had a bird land on a podium case closed!

Does it really chap your hide that he hypes his punk rock roots?  He’s not my first choice, but it’s something that every kid has dreamed about.  Definitely makes him more human than Grifter Trump Inc.

Right? I swear I heard the *whoosh* sound when I read that line.

Lol @ Aunt Splintypat huffing your smelling-salts over here. “Would you mind turning off your fundamental personality for the duration of this campaign, Mr. O’Rourke? We just don’t find it appropriate.”

“Ilhan Omar made some tweets, and was blamed by many for feeding into rising anti-Semitic violence with her words. And Chelsea Clinton was the one who opened the flood gates on that shit.”

Jews were upset that her phrasing was highly adjacent to coded language about Jews having dual loyalties that have been used

What their hangup is that she started her tweet with “Co-signed as an American...” which they feel is her saying that she is more American or has more authority or some shit in comparison to Ilhan Omar’s refugee Muslim status, which, in turn, is white supremacy.

“Your interpretation of our tweet is completely wrong! You killed people with it! Our interpretation of your tweet is completely right! Apologize to us! On video and on the internets!

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t

These protesters were wearing Bernie shirts. To them the Clintons are guilty of everything under the sun.

Eh, I understand what they’re saying but they seem like they’re laying this at the feet of people like Chelsea, which is crazy. It also seems like they’re opportunists too. They saw someone who was famous and knew that confronting her would get a lot of attention, so they went for it. 

If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.