Yet the original Harvest pressings of the ‘classic’ Floyd albums (e.g. prior to The Wall), are still the best sounding mixes...
Protesters ought to get a bunch of 2x6's and a bag of 60 penny nails and make some ersatz spike strips. Much more effective than having some redneck in his penis-substitute pickup try and run you over.
The irony is she didn’t even vandalize the bust, she vandalized the plinth which previously housed the Harvey Scott statue. So clearly doubling down on both racist and ignorant.*
* also evidenced by shouting her name repeatedly
That’s Miss Chanandler Bong, thank you very much.
No mention of KGatLW’s ‘Butterfly 3000' album. I’m getting this distinct feeling you all hate the Gizz.
One can only hope. Scientology is evil incarnate.
Two words: Sky Marshals
I read this whole article thinking, “Has this writer ever seen Grease?”
The ghosts of Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan beg to differ.
The joke we had in college (when Segal was releasing many of his movies) was ‘Steven Segal stars in “Three Word Title”’
There was another nod to the Glomar Explorer in Charles Stross’ book ‘The Jennifer Morgue’ but with a distinctly different flavor.
The downside - the 4-cylinder turbo sounds like ass when compared to the symphony of a straight-6.
Actually, it was Oregon Episcopal School, not Catlin Gabel.
Oh dear God, that’s hideous.
I came here to say this. Was not disappointed.
Both kids learned on my wife’s LEAF. Daughter drives the family hauler (aka VW TDI Sportwagen w/ DSC). I haven’t wanted to teach them how to drive a manual mostly because I don’t want to replace a clutch on a 1-Series.
However, this approach (given there should be sufficient torque from the engine as compared to the…
Given my 15-year-old son is learning to drive, I’m going to have to try this with him. Or perhaps should start with my 17-year-old daughter who has been driving since 15 but never learned to drive a stick.
Thanks for the great advice!