
This is a pretty heinous car.

What happens if your tires are 1.5psi low?

Why not just make 23 bigger?

Best of luck at Drive and keep the shiny side up / rubber side down. You’ve done good here and there is no reason to feel bad about taking that next step.

(but who will keep Torch reigned in?)

Speaking as a Mk7 TDI Sportwagon (family-hauler) owner, other than the goofy-ass interior, I approve this design.

The Bolt was designed to leapfrog the LEAF, which it did.  And then Nissan said, “Hold my beer.” and now the Bolt is (somewhat) of an afterthought again.  It’s not bad, all things being equal, but it is definitely an entry-level ‘practical’ EV as opposed to the Ford.

And where does powdered milk come from?  Anyone?

I so want this (or a Sportwagen equivalent) to roll out from VW in the next couple of years...

GenX doesn’t hate wagons.  At least this GenX-er doesn’t.  This is my manic pixie dream EV.

Unless Karen lives on a deserted mountain and has to soccer mom over rock trails and through raging rivers: Fuck Karen and her 5 dumb kids.

At the complete risk of being a Philistine, you could upgrade the brakes with period-correct racing brake rotors and calipers and modern pads and upgrade the steering to power steering to make it more driveable.  Not much you can do about the clutch unless you want to muck about with the hydraulic system, and even

This is still one of the best articles written on Deadspin.  Period.

Different strokes for different folks.  I prefer NA motors over blown, but that’s just my opinion.  Yours is just as valid.

Bowie at #1 is the only correct answer.

Velvets, Stooges, NY Dolls, Pistols are all punk or proto-punk. No Clash or Ramones, either.

There’s a reason I don’t listen to Classic Rock.

...all the way through coked up nonsense like Layla and Come Dancing. 

Ann and Nancy Wilson could take 3/4 of the list in a straight-up brawl. They totally belong on the list.

But what the hell is Wings doing on the list?