
I’d still take the 128i over the 135i simply because of reliability (no turbo to fail).  In terms of engine reliability, the N52 has the N55 beat.  I can’t speak to the reliability of the 128i slush-box as I’ve only driven / owned a 6MT variant.

Salient for Jeffrey (and is at BMW Seattle, so it has most likely had a thorough check-up):

Based on personal experience, a used, well-cared-for BMW E82 128i will tick those boxes quite nicely (even if you get the flappy-paddle variant). Ideally find one with either ZMP (M-sport package) or ZSP (Sport package). Added bonus, is also Patrick George approved:

Those 80s slant-nose Porsche ads in the back of European Car magazine were filthy, filthy car porn...

I’m a bit late to this particular party, but I would love to own a Z1. The only problem with the design was the use of the M20B25 motor was a bit of a letdown for the chassis - would have been better off with an S14 or the (much later) aluminum-block M52TU for less weight over the front axle as well as more power.

Something, something, something, dieselgate, something, electric VW.

Seriously, when are they gonna offer the goddamn electric van?

Is it just me, or is the side profile of the M8 Competition reminiscent of a Ford Mustang that came into an inheritance?

This is the worst best (worst) earworm in a long time.

This is why after living in my current house for 17 years, I’ve finally built a garage.  Now I can park inside during the winter and work on my car out of the elements.

Not intended to be humorous, just factual.  Car vs. bike collision, bike loses *badly*

The bicyclist, because when they are hit by a car, you end up with a traffic fatality.

They could always resurrect the S65 from the E9x M3/M4.  That’s a hell of an engine.

Don’t forget that (unfortunately) a non-zero percentage of the bicyclists will be ignoring traffic laws and causing mayhem as a result (and making it worse for those cyclists who *do* obey traffic laws).

Smoking / vaping...Darwin’s gonna get you either way.

Maybe because CA lets forest fires burn every year which produce more harmful emissions then all the cars?

Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

Take your damn star you beautiful bastard.

Sacks of hammers are insulted when compared to Trump.  What else is new?

They’re not getting paid to play in FIBA (and Olympics should be amateur athletes, not pros, but that’s another rant).  I’d rather have the invitees who refused to play heal up from a pretty grueling NBA season.