Anyone else a bit worried as to how much smoke is coming out of that thing?
Anyone else a bit worried as to how much smoke is coming out of that thing?
Thank you, Bradley! I’ve learned something new today.
Don’t you mean ‘Logo Lizard’?
Now I need to dig out that 45 and listen to it...
Good to know - my comment was based on seeing rust in certain locations on vehicles where one should not see rust - for example on the steel cylinder bolted to the back of the back of a pancake shroud on that 1970 Type III is not normal.
High humidity, perhaps?
I’m seeing a lot of rust on several of those vehicles - I’m wondering if there was some flooding during Hurricane Maria. Granted, VWs are pretty damn tough, but rust never sleeps...
For those of us who watched the ‘77 Blazers and then suffered through the drought of the last 42 years, Portland has deserved this team for So. Damn. Long.
Makes me feel almost bad for the Kings that their regular rotation was beaten by end-of-bench players and rookies in the final game of the season.
That’d work quite nicely, too.
You forgot to mention the neat aero tricks that BMW implemented, such as the under-chassis air tunnels and muffler that was also a rear spoiler (hence the slot in the back for air to exit). If BMW had made the Z1 with the S14 motor, or better yet, had waited ~ 2 years and launched it with the M50 motor, it might have…
It always bugged me how Jock’s (sp?) accent changed between his two overdubbed lines - the first one sounded like he was trying to do a weak Aussie drawl, while the second was pure U.S. of A. And poor Reggie, doomed to be foreshadowing.
I showed my 13-year-old son this car. His first comment was, “That Aston is going to kill some pedestrians.”
My work is done.
I...I question some of his lines. But, damn.
Goddammit. If the Blazers had just managed to put away the Nets in regulation!
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!