
As an Avid non first person shooter player (at least online) I’m enjoying overwatch since there are so many options. I wish they would consider some kind of voter or win/lose consequence mode.

I mostly use it as the “safe Facebook” in my job people always ask for my social networking contacts. Rather than give them my retro game riddled Twitter account I just give them that.

Honestly I felt the same way for the longest time. Then I went on the, and I also realized that by Bungie not forcing matchmaking in raids it started a ton of communities which I think had a benefit for the longevity of the game.

This x10,000. All you need to do is watch the final death scene in King’s Fall and you will never stop playing.

You spelled SHAMAN wrong!

Most likely it’s because, as the article touched on, using phone apps in a keyboard mouse environment can be difficult to consistently pull off. Plus and I’m just guessing here, having an OS that wasn’t particularly designed to run executables run an app.

The house that it happened in is also reportedly haunted by his ghost.

You should also note that unlike in the pas (in my experience) Destiny has made it much easier to get to 335 light. Previously in PvE (and again in my experience) if you weren’t raiding you were out of luck. Now you can get those level drops from faction level ups, running PoE, Bounties, and everything else. It seems

Sterling Treasure is 100% cosmetic. it’s 3 defense when you get it and you can only infuse it up to the light level of another piece of gear so if you buy a bunch of it and you have 320 light, you have a 320 armor set. If you buy it with a bunch of 220 armor that’s where you’re at until you infuse again.

Do either of these cards do composite? I’m guessing yes since there is a component cable and you can usually do that. I do a lot of retro game capturing and Im’ always looking for a better cap solution but most of the newer ones are HDMI only.

Maybe you just didn’t like Destiny. I’ve had the exact opposite experience with the Division. I hit DZ 50 and am looking to return/resell it.

NOOO we can’t use logic. Destiny is a bad game because I said sooooo. The Division which is exactly the same will be so much betterrrrrrrr.

They fixed that a long time ago.

Oh yay! A Destiny post. Can’t wait to read all the cool people who “Played it, and I don’t like it.” posts that are all original and super exciting.

I think you’ll need more than one person for VOG for the end section with the two portals.

I think part of it is the inherent negative things that come with matchmaking. Grievers, AFKers, people only going in to get one thing then ditching your team, people who say “Hell yeah I just hit 298 I can do Hard Mode King’s fall and waste everyone’s time.”

THIS. THIS and more THIS. Everyone wants matchmaking but that’s just going to lead to AFK exploits and a bunch of people having no idea what do do. Could you imagine how annoying it would be to be in a PUG King’s Fall and there are people who spend 2+ hours to get through the jumping puzzles. I did it with 6 friends

Honestly I don’t understand this “It’s a Grind thing” Please don’t take this as some sort of attack or backlash but I really don’t see any games out there that are not a grind of some sort. The Division has you grind in the dark zone. Far Cry Primal has you playing a ton of side quests for things to level out your

but is that Kotaku’s problem or the PR people for the other games? Bungie always puts out a ton of teasers before hand and people run with those.

I’m not sure something like AVGN would fall under that right. Since AVGN is a lot more parody than actual review. It’s a fair question to posit though.