Matt Curr

No. More like selfish. Cary was running around trying to save them from the bigger threat. Without him doing that they'd all be dead. Grow up, girl.

I guess Charles has been busy and maybe you can lay the idea of forming a school to teach young mutants as a guilt response to abandoning david

And a good reason that the Netflix marvel shows should only be eight episodes rather than stretching it out to 13. They've all suffered from it to some degree. Probably luke cage the most, if it ended with cottonmouth and had no diamondback but shoehorned the cool moments from cottonmouth's exit onwards into the first

I think so, Syd put her in the wall and that was referenced by another character I think.

Well that's what happened in the comic with the terrorist, he was abosorbed by David and was one of his many personalities

When Kerry scolded Cary for not being there for her I just said out aloud "selfish bitch". Yeah, sorry he was running around saving you all from the shadow king, you know, the bigger threat.