That’s not true. Some of us like that Franken was a strong liberal voice on the hill who didn’t sell himself to corporations to the degree others do. He was good at the job. Screw Biden.
That’s not true. Some of us like that Franken was a strong liberal voice on the hill who didn’t sell himself to corporations to the degree others do. He was good at the job. Screw Biden.
But putting them in the same article and not mentioning that they are on different levels will lead to comparisons. You knew what you were doing lol.
Yet you grouped them together in this piece.
Then that point needs to be made more clearly. Or maybe you should have picked different examples. And I agree with you that this blurred line between work and personal spaces that’s typical of the art/entertainment world is definitely something harassers and abusers take advantage of, but this also not the first time…
“I’m not saying the the guy with the parking ticket and the guy who ran over a child with his truck while being drunk are in any way comparable, I’ll just mention them in the same sentence as traffic rules violators and let the audience draw their conclusions. Just sayin’...”
What CK did is absolutely harassment. But in the grand scheme of things I also don’t think it’s “should never work again” levels of bad. He admitted it, he went away for a bit and lost millions and a movie and while it may not be what some people wanted, it’s not nothing. So yeah, I’m the grand scheme of things I…
I think the difference is that “we” is a select group of people, i.e. the slight majority of Americans who didn’t vote for Trump. We don’t have the power to hold Trump accountable, but we’ve already denounced him as clearly as possible. The discussion about Louis CK’s behavior, however, is mostly happening in the…
He wont lose a single voter over sexual misconduct so this wont even move the meter. Anyone that voted Trump that was so desperate to vote against Hilary will never change their mind.
I would definitely be bringing this up every 5 minutes if a Republican did it, and I agree with you there. But honestly, no, I don’t think a photo like this would get people mobilized to overthrow Ryan or McConnell. It’s gross and wrong, but nowhere near the level of evil those guys have wrought with their legislation…
I’m confused about everyone saying this photo is evidence of sexual assault. It’s unprofessional, it’s unpleasant, I’d be furious too if I were her, and he absolutely should be grovelling for this. I’m not defending him in the least, and I don’t care at all if this wrecks his career. Them’s the breaks, jackass.
Clinton was the most qualified person to be President in a generation running against the least qualified. People like you that think she’s everything wrong with politics are the problem and the reason America and the world wake up and look at the news every day to go, “Oh fuck what now?!!!”
You know how there’s a kid in high school that draws a cartoon of Bugs Bunny suckling from the teet of a cow, and the cow has a dollar sign on it, and then the kid is like, “MY ART IS SOCIAL COMMENTARY!”
That’s basically Banksy. It’s very surface level social commentary that feels more like the graffiti equivalent of a…
You know, in the space you took to scold a writer who is entitled to her opinion about this or anything else, you could have commented on what this sculpture means, what it means to you or what its creator could be trying to say.
I’m getting my PhD in art history and while I’m sure that we could (and should) have a discussion about the artistic merits/demerits of Cattelan’s sculpture, I have to agree that Rachel is well within her purview to call it “creepy as fuck”. As far as I know, she doesn’t claim any status as an art critic, so her…
I do not have an academic background in art, though I do have one in literature and agree that “art” is a term to be reexamined and to which we should apply pressure. And certainly it’s important to engage with challenging, even uncomfortable material. I’m sure there will be conversations about this sculpture, and I…
I can imagine Mel Brooks making this purchase. Then maybe filming him, Flat Stanley like in a multiple of locations. Selling photos of those and donating the proceeds to the Holocaust Museums. Or the Weisel Center.
Look at this goddamn dog chilling in his baby carrier at a Phillies spring training game. I have never been more…