

washed up as a pitiful, despised, literal clown back on Naboo, where he does pratfalls for the amusement of little kids while the adults do their damnedest to ignore him. Besides being a sly commentary

blizzard must have the worst writers in all of gaming, IMO..ever since WOW was released, they are incapable of operating outside of the BIG NIHILISTIC BAD GUY COMIN' TO DESTROY THE WORLD FOR … REASONS

That belongs to Flossin'.

Oh good, another piece of remarkably stupid and overpriced hardware that I won't buy, and a handful of games I wish I could have played, but won't.

This was some twee bullshit. Good show overall, but the 2nd half of this season was pretty much dogshit to be honest.

This is when I decided I don't care for Lena Dunham. It was the scene where Hannah up and quits her ad copywriting job because she thinks it's beneath her, essentially. I thought this scene was a deliberate portrayal of Hannah's delusional narcissism. But then, in the "Inside the Episode Segment," Lena Dunham was

Right I get that and I'm not even trying to say ALL CONSERVATIVES BAD LEFT WING POLITICS GOOD. It's more of a "The aims and values of the 'good guys' in this story stand in such stark contrast to your own, that it's hard to see how you would identify with them and their goals."

Ted Cruz is ostensibly for small government, yet advocates large scale military build up, wars of aggression overseas, and draconian, oppressive security measures to suppress a minority populace. He is pro small government and FREEDOM, except when it comes to legislating Christian values and dictating the social

Hillary is not left wing. Next example plz. Yes, Ted Cruz, elite lawyer and politician, reviled by literally every single person who has ever worked with him, noted careerist and manipulator, is such a salt of the earth family man. He and Homer, so similar. And I'm sure the Jedi would be absolutely be behind sending

I always wonder if these insane right wing sorts are watching the same things as me. How can they profess to be such huge fans of these kinds of stories, when most of the time the theme and morals and lessons of said story go against everything they stand for? How can you be a huge Star Wars fan and still be an

I never want to, but I always find myself in conversation with them. My roommate met a girl when he was driving her and they dated for like 3 months. One of my other friends brought his 40 year old female uber driver into our other friend's house party in the Hollywood hills and banged her in the upstairs bathroom. It

I always lose it when Adam Driver reacts to things like that. That was like the most perfect WHAT THE SHIT I have ever heard. He's the best part of this show.

Oh look, humanity and mercy are a death sentence in this show. I hadn't quite gotten that theme yet. The writers should really hammer it home in very obvious ways some more.

Quest 64. I was probably 8 or 9 when I played it, had literally no idea what was going on, and probably didn't progress through even 30% of the game. But god damn, I still remember how much I loved playing it. I went back recently and tried it out, and it was god damn nearly unplayable. But I shall always have a place

Yeah I audibly threatened genocide on an entire race of humans this morning because someone was blocking an intersection

No way, the whole season was terrible ESPECIALLY Morgan's episode. So many fortuitous and implausible coincidences. "Here's a martial arts master living in the middle of the woods in a self-sustaining cabin with a prison cell who also just so happened to have some crazy implausible backstory that perfectly matches

the Shield is bad too though =/

Hmm if we were picking a 30 Rock episode I think I'd have to pick Succession over Rosemary's Baby

Definitely - not sure I have any interest in giving the Shield a chance. It was relatively early in the GOLDEN AGE OF ANTI HEROES so maybe it was still kind of a novel concept at the time? I don't know, but my money is on it sucking balls.