
My favourite is all the neckbeards bitching and whining and crying and going on about how they are cancelling their preorders and shit. Like for fucks sake guys it’s a VIDEOGAME. A fucking VIDEOGAME THAT IS COMING OUT A FEW DAYS AFTER THE ORIGINAL LAUNCH DATE. It’s not like Sean Murray cunt punted your mom or abducted

Dynasties are better than parity.

The 2002 Kings Lakers series was 100% rigged by the NBA. I don’t care what anyone says.

Wait a minute...Trent Dilfer being bad at his job and things still working out because everyone else on the team is good at theirs? Now I’ve heard everything.

Worst part about Dilfer is him thinking he’s some sort of QB guru, when he himself wasnt shit behind center. Your team cut you after you won the Superbowl. Enjoy your retirement fund and shut the fuck up

If a feature no one knows how to use breaks, is it really broken?

What happens in Barrens chat stays in Barrens chat.

I’m glad you asked. It is $1,530,000.

What’s the value of a Black Lotus with a 5000% markup?

I started at the same time, but later I discovered that building a Green/White deck focused on creatures and healing kind of sucked.

You leave those Serra Angels alone Shkreli.

If you don’t got Mojo Nixon

The Mavs offering Harrison Barnes a max deal only for the Dubs to land Kevin Durant instead is like that scene in Temple of Doom where the poisoned Indy threatens to kill Willie if not given the antidote and Lao Che just laughs, “You keep the girl, I’ll find another!”

Sheesh, and I thought Russell Westbrook was an angry dude before.

Russell Westbrook’s life mission in the 2017 season is now to dunk so hard on Kevin Durant that he literally dies.

“I suck at giving interviews”


I can’t wait for that pivotal moment in time when Fox Sports has Skip Bayless, Clay Travis, Jason Whitlock, Colin Cowherd, and maybe Curt Schilling all under one roof.

It’s already out.