
YouTube sucks. We get it. But MTOD isn’t the answer.

That’s the problem I have with any new service. If I’m paying for a subscription service, I better be able to watch it on my TV without going through extraordinary means (granted things have gotten a lot better than they used to be). I guess as long as I can watch it via my Roku, I’m good.

Except that I can watch youtube on every device, it looks good and they keep good track of what I watch. Sorry but I am more likely to put money in a patreon then deal with another subscription service.

For a pro tip if you have to laugh at a funeral (and everybody does at some point it seems) but you think people will think ill of you for it just bow your head, hold a kleenex in front of your nose, and close your eyes tight. It’ll look like you’re sobbing uncontrollably instead of laughing hysterically.

Back when this song had come out and semi-penetrated the non-Christian culture, my wife and I used to, for whatever reason, always crack up at the line “will I dance for you Jesus?” from the song.

Sometimes they make art. The little hands are what make this into genius.

I was anti-bumper sticker before, but now, hmm....I think I may just have to get this one custom made.

I love your story telling but that was pretty fucking stupid to tow that “wrecking ball” in those conditions. Good thing you didn’t take out a car full of old ladies. And what do they do with the vehicles they “loan” you? Are they sold at a dealership later on?

“After Clark left to catch some sleep before work, Taylor and I walked into my house, where I filled a spray bottle with hot water. We walked outside, and I sprayed the edges of the passenger’s door, hoping to melt the frozen slush and get the door free, but the water hardened almost immediately upon exiting the

In every David Tracy story, the true hero is not the jeep or him. It is the people he surrounds himself with. Let it be his co-workers, his friends, his neighbors, his landlords, people he meet on the highway, on craiglist, at the auto parts store. I mean when was the last time he took someone on a trip and the time

You call the Golden Eagle your “next project” as if you have completed your other projects. You really can’t help yourself, can you? Carry on.

youre good at math and mechanical stuff but i strongly question your general decision making.. But glad everyone made it safe and sound and it doesnt matter what your tires are unless they are studded or you have chains. Ice >> all rubber. Having lived in upstate NY for a dozen years and living through countless ice

“I made a terrible decision”

Hmmm... Let me run that through the Jalopnik article accuracy verification system.

Jeep in article name.

Author David Tracy.

Yep, it checks out.

“Fast Jeeps Driven Slow - The David Tracy Story”

I’ve got a buddy who’s 82 who still takes his cars to Bonneville as he’s done since the 1950s.

My dad died at 85 of a heart attack. He was still working at the time. That’s how I want to go.

The article notes that they started racing nearly 30 years ago in small SCCA events. I think Jalopnik would likely have to start there before considering the 24h at Daytona.

Yeah, that requires spending money and knowing wtf they’re doing.

While doing penance in summer school 1969 I was constrained by the rule that only let you miss TWO days of summer session. Having already lost one with feeling crappy, I was up against losing two to attend the 1969 Watkins Glen Can-Am/six hour FIA race. I needed to pass the classes but, hey the GLEN!!! Solution? Use