
While I’m always hesitant of diversity for diversity’s sake (read: any sentence that goes something along the lines of “It’s 2016, we should have a female/multi racial/multi ethnic line up for situation/program X!) Sabine is flat out awesome. Witty, cunning, fast, and willing to dish it out on any challenge that comes

I have much guilt for replying in this manner, but once the police put up the crime scene tape, the jig was up. He’d run through it, think he’d won and that’s that.

I’m not going to jump to any conclusions until I have all the facts, but it appears that Eisenhauer made two mistakes. The first is that he senselessly and maliciously murdered a 13 year old girl. The second is that he did not attempt to run from the police.

They also shot their eyes out.

Well, MAD is not short for MADMSO, or Mutually Assured Destruction of Military Sites Only.

The Hellcat was a brilliant way to grab headlines and increase sales with the most minimal investment. Let’s examine- here we have a car that has been on sale since 2008 with basically zero external changes except for headlights and taillights, made by a company who is incredibly strapped for cash and debatably

If Missing The Point wasn’t a thing, the Automotive Journalism Industrial Complex would collapse.

Maybe that’s because there’s more ugly on the roads these days, and it can hide amongst the others.

Chris harris-

Russ Wheeler.

These guys spent over a million dollars on a D SPORTS RACER!

If it were brown, European, and came in wagon or shooting brake form it would be loved and respected by Jalophood

I’ve lost respect for the Regular Car Reviews videos. Seems like most are just excuses to rant about some random stereotypes and insults with barely a reference to the car being “reviewed”.

Because this is Jalopnik ... one requirement here is hatred of American cars (in line with “because this is Gawker ... one requieremnt here is hatred of all things American”).

Typical Gawker hipsterism & critical theory.

(although to be fair, in this case when compared with the 2nd Gen TA, these were a bit of a

He should be ashamed for endangering others on a public road by slamming his $12k E92 into the side of a mountain while his boys recorded it for their next YOLO video.

As the designated stereotypical BMW owner for today we thank you for sharing your flawless knowledge of BMW nomenclature and Auto trader analysis. You are everything we have come to expect from the near-CPO BMW clientele.

E92 with black wheels is the universal sign of douche cannons. They are the targeted demos for flat billed hats, Volcom apparel, Fireball, and Axe Body Spray.

I wonder what his tire pressure was.

This is analogous to a 'bunny-hop' on a bicycle.