

Vaccinated people don’t spread the virus. No one who has been vaccinated has died from Covid 19. Those are the facts.

You might need to call a psychologist, your fear is deep in the irrational territory

I mean this extremely sincerely, this isn’t an insult: if you don’t think you will ever eat in a restaurant again, you should talk to a therapist. That is not a healthy reaction at all.

Agreed. I’ve always thought long distance train travel combined all the negative qualities of car and air travel. As slow as a car but as expensive and inconvenient as a plane. It beats a bus but not by much.

Just another reason to make one Dakota, give Puerto Rico statehood, and not have to change the flags.

Amtrak is dumb and long distance travel via train makes little sense in America. If we had developed the infrastructure more aggressively after WWII, maybe, but we decided to do a massive highway system instead. Most Amtrak routes are slower than driving a car. They’re also not cheap and the cabins you have to sit in

I like it. It’s got a retro feel which I think is kind of cool.

look closer. then say “and he was wearing heels.”

It’s also not news unless you were born after the year 2000.

I like V For Vendetta, but I feel the same way about it as I do about From Hell: it’s an entertaining movie, but it’s not Alan Moore’s story so much as the parts the filmmakers found the most relevant and interesting, reshaped into a conventional three-act Hollywood structure.

So, maybe you should note that somewhere in your article? That they sent you a free $150 kit to review and you didn’t actually spend your own money on it?

But now people in Thailand, Turkey, and China can see those ads!

I remember way back in College I was a Summer Orientation leader.

The whole reason this ‘relief package’ took this long and is so pathetic is because of Mitch McConnell and the Republicans. So your assertion that ‘congress != Republicans’ is correct, it’s only symbolically correct. Republicans control the Senate, which quite effectively controls Congress, because the House can’t do

“The great news is, Congress is not going to be the Grinch,”

No, instead Congress is going to be that one boss you had that gave out $25 Amazon gift cards instead of actual bonuses at Christmas, with a big smile on his face, saying he really appreciates all your hard work.

Moscow Mitch had been prevent a second relief bill from even getting a vote in the Senate since May. All because he didn’t want the public to see just which Republicans would vote against helping their constituents during an epic depression.

Wow. So you and all the likely very similarly circumstanced people you know kept your jobs?? That’s an incredible statistical anomaly! No really. Kindly stfu and move along.

Now playing

Wolverine gut punches Cyclops and claws up his car for leaving Morph and Beast behind to get captured.

You drink like all the other suburban moms and watch as your kid becomes a real estate agent and then gets arrested for butchering hookers and eating them. Box of wine anyone?