don juans reckless daughter

Shut the fuck up.

Watch ya neck! You know they love to delete comments that point out the fucked up shit they've said in the past.

Since I can infer from your duck comment that you think I am, in fact, a cunt, I have this to say:

The next time someone calls me a cunt, I'll be like "I'm cunt! So cunt! So so so so so cunt!" which will hopefully disarm them enough that when I launch into my Suri Cruise battle cry, they'll back the hell off.

Oprah has done a fuckton more for charity than you ever will. You'll find that the line for your kind forms To The Left.

I'm not trying to speak to your experiences: I'm speaking to my own. I've known plenty of feminist-minded people who would pay lip service to my identity so long as that identity wasn't crashing up against any of their deeply-held convictions; so long as I wasn't challenging them in any way. Because it's easy for

i am thoroughly disgusted with these no riot warnings and black ppl on my social feeds repeating this utter fuckin nonsense. they've convinced us that we are ignorant and violent and will step out of line. we are all too shocked and disgusted to riot. we are too busy trying to swallow this travesty than to go riot. we

The Honey BooBoo thing really gets me going, too. They might fart and burp (surprise! women fart and burp), but they treat others well. They aren't racist or homophobic, and they do alot of charity work. MamaBear was a teen mom and a single mom, feeding her family on $80 week when the show started. When she got

And the people who do want a McMansion and Chanel sunglasses get made fun of too after they blow all their money on them. Cannot win, but when can poor people ever win?

Whoa what?! The free lunch was different from the regular lunch at your school??? WTF! At my schools they were the same as the discount or full price lunches!

This cat is soo getting suspended from high school for this!

Me too. Sigh...

Porcupines of the World, Rise Up and UNITE!!!

I've used this photo before, but it's so applicable every time an enraging story of "Christians" being ANYTHING but Christ-like comes up. This is how I imagine Jesus views the human shitpiles like Pat Robertson.

You go, Jesus.

Somewhere, Billy Jean King is snickering.

There have been like 16,000 articles here and everywhere else about this whole saga, how are people avoiding being educated about this?? I WISH I knew less about this mess, I'm sick of seeing her fucking face.

ATTENTION WHITE PEOPLE: "Paula Deen used the n-word a couple of times." wasn't the only racist allegation in that trial. Educate yourselves before speaking about this matter any further.

Ok, I got 22 seconds into the top clip before I started bawling. The little girl looks just like my great-niece, who has cerebral palsy, and yes, she is a gorgeous shining light who deserves to wear a tiara and be Princess of Everything.

The flaw in this is that people who say the N-word and other racist shit KNOW THAT THEY CAN'T SAY IT AROUND BLACK PEOPLE, so that means they are completely aware that it is considered offensive and unacceptable. Whether they agree with that is unimportant, because they are not saying it loudly and proudly so clearly

As a southerner—first, thank you for at least taking the time to say, "We're not all like that, y'all."

But hey, can we leave off with the idea that the Kentucky "good ol' boy" is any different from the "hey dere on dat den" mid-Wisconsonite?

They're the exact same type of person, separated by geography, accent, and