don juans reckless daughter

They aren't buying the cow and boarding it. The farmer owns the cow already and "sells" a share of it to a consumer. It isn't some temporary thing like kenneling your dog while you go on vacation. And considering he's been arrested for it, it seems that my logic is the same logic used by the court system. Nice try

Oh mannn I love cows. They're like big, dumb dogs. But you're right, they're totally gross. So much shit. All the time.

Your argument makes no sense but good for you for feeling so strongly about it and using all your condescension, I find that's definitely the best way to have people listen to me.

But will never get 72 hours of nonstop runs due to not understanding that sometimes the government does have my best interest at heart. You win some, you lose some.

I did. The farmer boards the cows, feeds the cows, and milks the cows. The consumer pays him. Then comes and collects the milk. You can call that owning a share of a cow but I call it pretending to own a cow and buying milk illegally.

Actually, you know what? I take it back. This is nothing like sharing a part of a cow. I know people that buy a lamb or a cow and gets shares of meat. That's legal. Its also safe and regulated by the USDA. Paying a farmer for his raw milk and saying you're paying for a share of a cow isn't. This is so stupid. I'm

Yeah, you're definitely right. We were always told in my dairy science classes that there's no such thing as good bacteria in milk as a succinct way of saying that probiotics in milk are not worthwhile enough to even think about. I don't say it in arguments about raw milk because its not 100% true but its close

Oh my God, I went to a seminar the other day where a graduate student studied Listeria growth in seafood salad at different temperatures and wanted to throw up the entire time. I think I'm off mayonnaise based "salads" for a nice long while now.

Yes now, when the only way to acquire raw milk is through a loophole that allows you to purchase a share of a cow but what about when its made legal and sold at farmer's markets and organic specialty supermarkets? I honestly don't mind what's going on in this story because these kinds of consumers are self-aware and

Yes! That was the original bacteria that catalyzed the invention of pasteurization. :) And I agree with your point. If you own the cow it's your business what you do with the milk in your own home, just please don't try to sell it.

I have a degree in animal and dairy science and grandparents with a dairy farm. Of course, I don't think hygiene has been thrown out the window. In fact, I think it was pretty clear in my original comment that I don't think that.

That's all well and good in a nonlitigious society. A lot of times a farmer can do everything right and still have some errant bacteria that can get into the milk. If raw milk advocates are willing to risk getting sick they should also be happy to sign some kind of waiver promising not to ruin a farmer's life with

You know what else has "good bacteria" that won't potentially kill you? Yogurt and kefir. It doesn't matter how clean and up to code organic you keep your farm. One cow with a little bit of left over mud on her udder or one milker who forgets the pre-dip before milking and you've got a listeria, campylobacter, e.coli

Don't worry, I'm probably worse than you are when it comes to campus attire. I'm a super priss who wouldn't have been caught dead in sweatpants or leggings on campus in my undergrad days. I'm more into high waisted jeans and skirts but I have been eyeing some shorts lately and you're right, they're totally mom

How do you feel about high waisted shorts but with longer hemlines? I've found that high waisted pants and shorts and skirts make me look teensy but I've definitely aged out of the booty short age group so I promise my ass is hidden from the world. ;)

Exactly. Unless your co-worker has given you "all-systems go, take me to bed" signals why even risk it? I'd much rather be remembered fondly as the one who got away than the overbearing, pushy asshole who couldn't keep my feelings under control. Also, that latter reputation has a tendency to follow you around from

I'm honestly not sure where it comes across that I'm of the belief that all workplace romances are wrong. I simply think that this article encourages weird, manipulative behavior. The "make your play" thing is creepy. The "lean over her while she's at her computer" is creepy. The "bond with her over normal human

Well, I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree here but thanks for all the mansplaining.

Jillian Michaels has some "30 Day Shred" videos that are pretty intense. She mixes a lot of cardio with strength training. I enjoy them and you can even find them for free on YouTube. ;) The core one is my favorite but it utilizes a lot of glute/thigh work as well.

I think its fair that many women, ranging from single to married, would agree with my point. When the harassment started I was actually single but had still made it clear that I was not interested in a sexual relationship with any coworker because unfortunately when you're a woman in a male dominated field you have to