don juans reckless daughter

I've been a die hard Lady Vol fan since Chamique Holdsclaw was paving the way for her three national championships. My parents went to UT as master's students and we rarely missed a Lady Vols game at our house. My mom was a principal for many years and a special education teacher before that and we used to laugh that

Well damn, you've already infiltrated the system! Now buy yourself a gun and clip on your bump-it and no one will ever know the wiser!

I just defriend. In retrospect I should have kept all of these crazies on my friends list and started some kind of Twitter in the fashion of "Shit My Dad Says". All my TV deal dreams have been bashed!

This poster has some serious Tea Party leanings. This is just further proof that you don't have to be coherent, you just have to be super angry and use lots of exclamation points.

Oh you silly kids living in your blue states. An enlightened FB (now former) friend of mine just offered this explanation, "That wasn't an earthquake!! That was just Obama finding his first shovel ready project!!!!!". Then there was this, "Or it was just the federal mint printing off another trillion bucks."

Ahh this makes me so excited!! She seems so lovely in her interviews I just know she'll be equally amazing in concert.

I'll be seeing her in South Georgia so I suppose the crowd will be more rednecks than drag queens unfortunately. However, they are my people and we can all be trashy together while listening to our queen.


My uncle suffered a stroke at 17 that left him with the exact same difficulties Ms. Giffords is dealing with. His struggle was a lifelong one but I remember as a child being so in awe of him. He learned how to use his left hand and was able to create 2 of the most amazing rocking horses for my brother and I as well as

I am so amped up on adrenaline and pure paranoia I may never sleep. For some reason I decided tonight should be a "Let's watch a scary movie night!" besides the fact that I might be the worst at watching scary movies ever. I yell, I cry, and I flail about at any given moment ruining the experience for all around me.

Because there's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking and she intends to find out what it is!

Totally agreed. I'm a Southerner and am totally aware of the faults we have but as soon as someone starts making generalizations about the South, especially if they aren't from the area, I start to get defensive. And then of course my ridiculous accent comes out and ruins any argument I have. Failure.

Missouri is defined as a Midwestern state.

Steel Magnolias! I would like Dolly Parton to be my spirit animal please.

I'm not suggesting she fuck him in the middle of a prayer service. I am suggesting maybe traveling in the same car to a mosque that he has experience with. On another note, the thing that I've found the most disturbing about people that are so ardently for or against religion is the way they relish the opportunity to

No, I don't think you are at all. I have a problems with the sometimes rigid structures of religion but I think faith is a totally different thing. Maybe go with your boyfriend and see if the Muslim religion speaks to you. If not, I'd recommend "church shopping". Basically you try out many different places and see if

Thank you. Hangover probably outweighs a night alone. You're totally right. I just really needed a push from someone other than my friends. I'm totally looking pretty nasty but being around people is probably what I need. Thank you!

Hearted for your advice. I'm going half way. I will be wearing my sparkly silver chuck taylors instead of heels and the rest of me looks pretty gross BUT I'm going out! Thank you. I really just needed a push from the Jezebel hive mind as some added courage. :)

I knew as I was typing this I needed to just suck it up and go but thank you thank you thank you for being a random internet stranger and telling me to! For some reason I've just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry all afternoon but I'm going to stave it off. Thank you!

Cry it out for a night mourning the mutual friendly break up between my first real love and I this past Saturday or go out with some friends and drink it off?