
this article is ridiculous.

they’re no lonely island.

I saw it last night and loved it. It was incredibly bizarre. I’d rank it as one of the best movies I’ve seen this year, second to Everything Everywhere All At Once.

wait, they made another one? no thanks.

what does Tim Allen have to say?

It doesn’t look as bad as I thought it would.

they should stop paying comedians millions of dollars for their shitty specials.

That is next level evil, and all she got was four weekends in prison?!

They both seemed nuts.

The rest of the characters need to be shuffled over to Disney. whatever Sony has been doing isn’t working.

“little Leia is a lot of fun”

and the world shrugged.

Mulaney creeps me out now. Chappelle is funny.

well, it sounded good at the time.

I just watched UHF a couple days ago. We need another Weird Al movie.

uh. people that purposely do shit like the Raptor guy was doing are indeed assholes.

When I’m dead, just throw me in the trash.

I literally just tested positive for covid this morning. I was supposed to go back to my office for a big welcome back get together with all my coworkers.

our country is fucked.

He’s not going anywhere and our country is fucked.