
Jerry Pournelle’s and Larry Noven’s “The Mote in God’s Eye” was the novel that virtually defined the Space Empire/First Contact genres.

Then I guess it really burns you that he’s 100% correct,

Hear, hear, and well said.

I’m a pro-Trump conservative and Janeway is my favorite captain.

Deep Space Nine; the single worst implosion of the very core of Star Trek. A turgid “Grand Hotel” in space, a colossal bore of a soap opera where instead of “boldly going”, humanity sat around while the galaxy came to our bloated, self-indulgent butts, and thus revealed that its creators - all post-Roddenberry -


Hate to rain on any Diversty-advocate’s parade, but “diversity” should include one or two human white males somewhere in the command mix, too.

Yeah, the studio heads found that offensive, too. That’s why they almost killed the show.

Sounds like a real sweetheart of a guy to work for.

Sure; turns out bipedal, upright, bilateral symmetry with paired manipulators and binocular vision is a pretty versatile and effective adaptation, overall.

Actually, that’s accurate.

Why wouldn’t it be in color?

It only seems bad because the writers and many fans get caught up in theoretical technology and have no understanding whatsoever of actual military applications.

... stoopid crying...

The Justice League is about super heroes banding together to deal with threats or emergencies on a global scale which may be too widespread or too difficult for any one hero to deal with effectively on their own.