
Dude sporting a cravat or an ascot? I mean one is OK but the other is just too damn fancy.

you haven’t followed him very long have you? Millionaires/billionaires has been part of his message for at least last decade. Used to be just millionaires but with the Kochs, Adelson, and others fucking buying gov’t he had to raise the cap.

Put her way out in front in case of bears. Those grizzlies will run when they hear a booming “and you get a car, and you get a car” ringing through the glen.

you noticed that too. Hell there’s more diversity in a bag of marshmallows. What gives?

um, yeah ... what kind of rock were you living under? You think boob jobs are a 90s thing?

what’s with this disrespecting a-hole grandkid pulling the look but don’t touch — you let Grammy in to check out that bench, right now.

was wondering if this was product placement in “Madea’s Family Reunion” or one of those flix

gotta follow his Twitter:

if your special purpose is boring then something is wrong

ain’t that Geddy Lee from Rush?

wait, shut up y’all otherwise you’re gonna spoil this ScreenRant for me. Don’t go tellin’ me these spoilers aren’t spoilers damnit.

I wanna see somebody rock a fun little 2-seat roadster from a old Prius. Why the hell not?

SS no-sag SAG! Now I got “Touch me, touch me, touch me ... I wanna be touched” playing in my head.

one guy in the hard hat and all of them in suits & ties — seems some damn odd longshoreman.

You Rainman? No, — you love doing the math & showing your work to prove your point. Good for you & don’t apologize. Pretty sure most every hydrologist, meteorologist, and water resource mgr on record saying theres a huge hole to refill the res & recharge the aquifiers. At least this is a small move to make up that

just a min ... gotta leave a note for the ass that parked this PoS on the fairway

Yo, Elon got map pockets in his S? Didn’t think so —

wonder if Trump will add the Cain-iac to his cabnet as Sec. Of State? That would be fun.

The Donald didn’t get himself a new ISIS killing toy under his Christmas tree like Rubio so she’s giving it up for the wrong gun stud.

Really? Guess it’s time for ‘that’ talk ...