Done With This Site

I think this is a great tribute. I’ve had trouble swallowing some of the excessive Carrie Fisher’s death media crap lately. It crosses the line between honoring someone and turns into graveyard navel-gazing. Before I go on, let me mention that I saw the first Star Wars 12 times. No, not on DVD, silly. Not streaming,

Here’s another:

Oh there are studies:

What’s your opinion on school boys creating a nation wide porn ring of their female classmates?

A peer-reviewed study on the effects that porn has on current middle/high schoolers would be hard to conduct since it it illegal to expose minors to porn.

All of your crazy ideas about what men think can be mollified by actually talking to them. But that’s too difficult is it? Easier to be a bigot who just jumps to conclusions about what people who don’t look like you think. People’s sex lives are not for you to police. 

Check out Cindy Gallop is brilliant and a hugely important voice, not just about sex & porn, but also in the advertising/media world. She’s fighting the good fight every day.

It’s important to remember that feminism is a political movement. You touched on something so dark, so insidious that it makes me wonder if third wave feminism is not a movement orchestrated by men. I mean, the promotion of female promiscuity and hardcore sex acts as “normal” seem very much in line with mwn’s

I think the response was more to the myth that Mormons were “different” this election, when the actual results of the election showed however muched they shifted, they were still very much conservative Republicans. I mean, before the election, there was serious talk that Evan McMullin might win Utah. Yeah, so much for

That, or board members use their position and stock ownership to force changes on the CEO. There are a number of infamous board members who own large portions of stock of some of the companies they are on the boards of. I believe Yahoo has one of those.

As long as you’re not a journalist, political opponent, American or susceptible to radiation, you should be totally safe!

Violent media absolutely has an effect on aggression and empathy. Anyone who argues otherwise is misinformed or anti-science.

Internet porn has ruined men, as far as I’m concerned. It’s so deeply normalized degrading, violent sex strictly for the male gaze. Of course it all existed before, but early and frequent exposure has deeply damaged mens’ psyches and lessened their ability to see women as consensual partners deserving of their own

I have very little doubt that widespread viewing of pornography by teenage males creates unrealistic sexual expectations, which can create many, many problems. That said, I don’t think that’s an appropriate problem for government to solve given that any physical harm resulting therefrom depends entirely on the agency

Yeah, that’s great and all, but she is not the voting body of an entire state and has no control over that. She is one person, with one voice, and is using it best she can.

Thank you!!! Reiterated that above as well. Hypocrites like the rest of them.

The whole concept of a board of directors needs to be challenged. These boards are supposed to provide oversight & have authority to question managerial decisions, but in practice simply take about 10-15 days per year to read some lies in a powerpoint presentation about the company that pays them, then attend a couple

i really do like her st:tng dress, though.

Photo of the Kremlin’s invitation to American diplomats:

My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression