
you know I was all ready to go blasting Webasto (which is an unfortunate name anyway) but some 30 odd years ago I did this dance with Ford. Worked in a body shop and we were contacted by a Ford supplier to bake Windstar interior panels to test the adhesives used. we would fork then into the oven (vehicle oven to

Practically the entire 1920s Italian artistic scene – certainly the architectural realm – is inextricably linked to the Mussolini administration. Partisan artists did eventually leave their own mark, but Futurism is brutally tied up in the politics of the day. I’ve never heard of a museum, academy, or curator casting

So the kids are cancelling 90 year old cars now? A fucking car?

Don’t you own a Beetle?

Lets just pull the Carfax on the car and see who owned it....   :)

what a gorgeous hat, lovely restoration!

It’s possible to own things without being invested in the views of the previous owners. I own WWII firearms that were used by Nazis to kill people and others that were used to kill Nazis. My feelings toward fascists don’t change depending on which one I take to the range.

Really? Ace and Gary would like a word with you.

Few serious people have actually adapted this opinion with respect to the enormous quantity of WWII-era art, design, and poetry plagued by its odious connection to fascism. Not sure there is a need to start now.

Personally don’t get the appeal of owning something directly owned by Nazis, would be weird as hell driving the inanimate object. Almost like buying a biohazard car off Copart that someone shot themselves in the head in. Yeah I get it can be cleaned and damaged materials can be replaced, but nope not for me. That

This “article” is such a dumpster fire I don’t even know where to start, so I won’t even try.

Don’t you own a Nazi-designed Beetle?

Dave Ramsey is a wannabe cult leader and an asshole. He deserves to cry.

If they are awake & aware.

So, you mean to say, in 15 years, one with an original top will be a “Holy Grail”?

At least the front didn’t fall off.

Anything I’m commuting in.

I think we’re all still tap dancing around the fact that Kanye is experiencing a steady decay in his mental health. To say he has a messiah complex would be an understatement.

Biden won 57% of union households in 2020, double the Clinton margin in 2016, but you go ahead and tell yourself this if it makes you feel better

In February of 2006, about a month into my new teaching career, I bought a CPO 2004 GTO with 5200 miles on it. Because what you should do when you finally get two nickels to rub together, is commit to paying 25% of your take home pay on a fast car, right?