
Hello Lewis Hamilton here, just want everybody to know I am nice and relaxed having relocated my belongings into the heads of Max and Horner.  Who knew it was soooo easy to gain access and that it is like Hotel California in here.  

While the explanation seems to be legit, the optics are real bad.

Even Major League gave up on Cleveland after the second outing, moving on to the minor-league Buzz playing the Minnesota Twins which were somehow owned by Short Stop Roger Dorn after he quit practicing law in Los Angeles but before he changed his name and had his daughter Veronica Dexter killed and then faked his

People like sports. It’s even important to some people. Most of the teams have individual principal owners and don’t randomly move around. The exceptions, especially when teams move are a big deal when they happen. The team was founded in Cleveland over 100 years ago. 

I thought oil/grease was the last thing you wanted in your compost pile -

yep, summer oil goes in the compost bin, winter oil (in sparing portions) goes in the woodstove on paper towel or the like.

I don’t know the status of Biden’s infrastructure bill, but these truck vs. bridge/overpass collisions seem to be awfully effective at getting overdue repair work happening.

Boy, ford really is serious about competing with the wrangler. I didn’t think they would be able to match the experience completely like this, but they’ve nailed it.

the image really distorts the issue. lewis had the inside line and didn’t back off, max went into the corner way deeper and thus surged ahead and then moved over more or less expecting lewis to have lifted - which he didn’t. thing is, max had made some pretty aggressive moves right prior to this and got away with it -

Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.

My wife discovered ( and I joined in) on YouTube, Yoga with Adrienne. She has hundreds of videos dealing with all kinds of ailments and exercises. We like it because we can do it at home on our own schedule. It has made a difference with mobility and pain reduction.

Neutral: :sighs heavily:

I hear there are people that do that professionally.

Personally, I’ll fight it until the day I die. I try to drive slightly faster than the cars around me because I don’t want to sit next to Karen trying to text her best friend Becky at 70mph for 5 miles, barely keeping the car in her lane.

audible warnings

Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear set the bar for this well before he started dating Pamela.

Toyota actually did plan for a chip shortage due to issues when Fukushima happened. They’re contending with other car makers who are facing production shortages.

Someone from the northeast: what’s wrong with the road? I don’t see it

It is interesting how the countries that created and had the most impact on the problem, are the ones on the soap box telling other countries what to do. It definitely is bad optics saying that from a position of power (money) gained through activities we then tell others not to do. The reality is switching from a

Yes, generating electricity creates pollution. However, as it’s been studied, modeled, and debated, EVs are still better, both from a greenhouse gas (climate change) and particulate matter (human health) perspective. The latter is especially important as it’s worse on our lungs the closer the exhaust pipe or