God bless, you’re publishing this shit while you let Eric post to Truck Yeah. What the actual fuck?
God bless, you’re publishing this shit while you let Eric post to Truck Yeah. What the actual fuck?
Hybridization is really where it’s at. I use the hell out of my trucks when I need them and it would be wonderful to be able to “putter” around town on electricity for the daily crap that eats fuel and let the gas or diesel kick in when you need the power.
This is great news! I love that my current truck has retained almost all of the initial buy price 3 years into ownership, and that increased demand will make it that much better when I sell this one for the next.
That’s a nice looking truck, but it’s just that, nice looking. I had an ‘89 GMC single cab, long box, manual, blah blah blah for almost 20 years, and while it was a great truck I wouldn’t trade it for the new one I bought to replace it. Ever. I can now comfortably carry 6 adults and tow over 10k lbs in air…
Oh man, I never put that together. A lot of that scene checks out though, good eye.
Maybe someone can help me out here with this one. It’s not so much a fact as it is a story I seemed to have read in an old mag back in the day and I’m fuzzy on the details and I’d like to know if anyone else has heard it. It seems that there was a moto journalist testing a new bike from Suzuki or Yamaha or something…
I’d like to see this and if they are comparing as apples to apples as they can then they should be looking at a 2500 or 3500. I’d also like to see them load a class V hitch with about 1500 lbs tongue weight and 14000 pounds of payload and run it through the Ike Gauntlet alongside a HD truck from one of the big 3.…
Blaine is a pain.
Well, let’s check some boxes. White, check. Southern, check. Loves traditional country music, check. Named son Waylon, check. Deadass does not care if this guy is gay, check.
Yep, pretty much this. Unloaded my truck hovers around 19-20mpg and loaded with our RV and bicycles I average 14. My wife’s Grand Cherokee can tow the RV as well, but similarly loaded it gets about 8 mpg and is sketchy as hell to drive. Yes, I know I have way more truck than I need for that little RV, but Chevy…
It’s the world we live in, everyday cars are just boring shitboxes anymore. I gotta look at a lot of shit leaving the neighborhood.
Man, how did the correct answer take this long?
Another it the replacement cost of the hitch. It baffles me to see people leave something attached that can be removed in less than 5 seconds and carted away. This is especially bad for those of us with class 5 hitches that cost between two and three hundred or more, yet I see them all the time when I’m out.
Yeah, came here to say the same thing. There’s more hubris in making fun of a guy using outdated tech to film something then posting it on an autoblog for everyone to snicker at. If you upload that video to a computer then play it back on a monitor, you’d be surprised at the quality from that old tech.
Because they didn’t ask torch.
You sure got a lot of shit for this comment, but you’re absolutely right. I’ve always said that if you’re serious about electric truck development, you’ll start with fleets and let it trickle down. I’d absolutely love an electric to replace my diesel for hauling duties, but until I can do a 600 mile round trip in a…
Came here for this.
If you didn’t have a tax professional do your taxes then you should have one go back and have them done and amended, you may have botched it. Hell, if one of the big box tax services did them, you need to have them redone, those guys are trash at taxes. I’ve gotten the same type of return as you for the past 6 years…