
Yea, it makes total sense, but as others have pointed out in this thread, automakers are in this for a profit. To the price point, I don’t mind to spend a bit more for my trucks because I keep them for better than 10 years and I want them to work when I need them. If you’re like me, you’ll happily forgo all the crap

Don’t forget that Ram still has a manual available on the diesel models, always has. If you’re only interested in a 2wd model, and don’t mind some searching you can find a clean example at a great price. On the other hand, I don’t know why in the world you’d want a manual in a truck nowadays when automatics are just

I do as often as possible, thanks!

“of women’s tennis” Has she beat a top 5 man yet? She is one of the best ever, no doubt, but you have to label it because men and women are just different. It’s not a bad thing, and deep down no one cares if you add the women’s tag because at that point it becomes a much closer to a true statement.

No need to be racist.

1st Gear:

Came here to post this. People will pay more to not have to deal with some shady ass stealership salesman and just get the price for the car out the door. They’re also in every major market and will be able to get the vehicle you want, many times at no extra cost, without you having to search 30 different dealerships

Unless your name is Scott Summers, the XR650 is a dog offroad. It’s just a street legal trail bike, the 450 is an honest to goodness dirt bike that you can ride on the road.

Used yes, new no, but I’m not comparing new to used. The guy I was replying to apparently hasn’t shopped prices on new bikes. He mentions a vstrom for onroad and a traditional dirt bike for offroad, if you bought both of those separately, you’d be spending about 20k.

This is for the person that wants both bikes but doesn’t want to have to shell out for two. At 450cc, it’s going to be fast enough to commute and not feel buzzy like a 250, and it’s dirt bike creds are fast enough to race B group races while signaling your turns in the woods with a bit of a grin on your face. If you

For real, plus the way he’s looking at her comes across more of “I wanna wear your skin like a leotard.” than “Please, do go on.”

Came here to post this. It does not matter what it’s called, over the long run it will be abused and idiots will die or kill others unintentionally. Hopefully it’s not someone I care about, I’d hate to go to jail for murdering one of these fools.

Hot damn son. Have a star!

Funny how Jalopnik claims they don’t have a vendetta against Musk, but when describing how the general public views him above you’ll find no links to articles in the paragraph of positives while you’ll see 2 links to other Jalop articles in the paragraph of negatives.

Where are all the interstate fueling stations going to find the room to park all these vehicles while they “fuel” and or wait in line? Do we know if anyone has taken the time to perform a study on what it would take to service the same amount of electric vehicles per hour that a standard interstate gas station can? It

I think you all misinterpreted the title of the piece. It’s not so much about how this engine is the pinnacle of tech, but how it’s Dodge’s swan song and we’re not likely to see another high horsepower offering from them before they are gobbled up or get on the hybrid train.

And yet you hired Felton...

That’s how adapter is pronounced here in the South. No need for the emphasis.

Guy steals parts from work. News at 11.