+1 adapter kit
+1 adapter kit
That’s cute, but no one really cares. As long as it’s still offered in a v8 then they’re just fine.
I agree. I have several vehicles and the best mpg of them also happens to be the largest vehicle in my fleet with the biggest displacement (6.6L). All of them fun to drive in their own way and add value to my existence that I couldn’t get from a bland sedan. Fortunately, I have the luxury of working from home, but I…
This. I make almost 4 times what I was making in 2003 and was getting by just fine back then. Work hard, look for opportunity, don’t sit and hate someone else for making more than you. Don’t have a college degree? Iron workers, welders, plumbers, electricians, etc. are all desperately needed and those jobs clear…
Wasn’t there some weirdness with the contract? I don’t know that he actually signed one.
Came here to post dead Florida man. Well done.
If you replace it all now, you’ll have nothing to write about later.
And it’s a whole helluva lot cheaper to swap cars.
I wonder if she’ll get invited to the next cookout.
Capitalist Pig! Distribute the $200K equally among everyone in your city and walk. What in the hell are you thinking making that much money.
What new one?
Its caster that whips the wheel back around. Think shopping cart wheel.
Came here to say this. You’ll never flat spot a passenger tire, but you better believe that work trucks, rigs, and construction vehicles chew through steer tires with rookies at the wheel. Watching a newbie trying to back up to a dock on a tight lot is the best fun, and if it’s hot out, you can see the black marks…
Effing SCMODS.
You always plate the vehicle you’re stealing if it doesn’t have one. If a cop gets behind you in traffic and you look legit, you’re not in danger. If you’ve got no plate, you’re running or getting pulled over. Also, you steal a bunch of plates beforehand so you have plenty.
Black man dies, cops don’t care, news at 11.
No shit, my first thought before I clicked the post was “I wonder what Rude Negro is going to say” Happy to say I was not disappointed.
Came here for Stubby Bob.
This is why I’ve been rewatching mighty car mods on YouTube recently. I need to see some people having fun workout scripting in some manufactured drama.