Then they’ll win the Stanley Cup?
Then they’ll win the Stanley Cup?
I love to bash Trump as much as the next person, but throwing shade at kids is a hack move. Literally no one but parents care how many goals a kid scores in a u12 league.
I’ll second this. I have a 2015 GM diesel and it’s been rock solid for 160k, but I chase interior rattles once or twice a month. Of course, I’ll take tightening a screw or adding some sound deadening here and there over chasing sensors or fighting the ubiquitous fender rot found in every RAM more than a few years old.…
I agree. My wife looked at one briefly, but by the time we put the car seat, and the booster for the two small ones, the third had 0 room left. We bought the Grand Cherokee and never looked back.
Yea, those road going KTM’s seem to be printing money for the brand. The WR250 is a great bike, it just leaves you wanting more.
Yes, that exactly. Add as little weight to the yz450 as possible to make it street legal. While I love the 250, it’s just too strung out at highway speeds when you’re trying to get to the dirt or just general commuting.
Why Yamaha hasn’t made a WR450R yet is beyond me. Let’s get a petition started.
Never swerve, ever. You’re missing out on a good meal if you do.
I made a comment about how Kanye isn’t musically intelligent over at the Root, I don’t believe they’ll ever take me out of the greys.
Perfect, thank you.
There’s gotta be a good joke about skipping leg day in here, but I’m at a loss. Internet, help me out!
As long as there are rigs hauling freight and contractors pulling trailers, diesel prices will hold out.
90's and 00's Harley, not today’s.
I addressed that in another post, I was a bit off with my use case, but the comparison still stands. I’m fine with more people at the park, they help keep it open, you don’t have to be sorry :p
It’s a shitty old 4 door Jeep, and you’re off about the affordability, but thanks for the comment!
I’d like to know that as well. It seemed to start with the Harley crowd haters and fit my case.
Starred for T-Dazzle
Love my XJ, but yea, when I’m taking the family wheeling, I feel like everything else out there is trying to kill me while getting to the woods. I’d like to build a 4 door Wrangler sometime, but I’m not going to spend 30K on something I’m just going to beat up.
That’s true, and while it may be unfair to pick on dentists, that is what has been traditionally associated with Harley’s here so I kept it going. We also can’t turn a blind eye to all the Wranglers sitting in mall parking lots that will never see dirt, so at least some props to the bolt-on crowd that makes it out to…