Came here for this. The sun will go supernova before these things have time to make a meaningful impact.
Came here for this. The sun will go supernova before these things have time to make a meaningful impact.
It’s fairly useful now that truck bed dimensions have dwindled into the can’t haul much anymore anyway category. Seriously, buy a station wagon, it will haul more.
Good luck finding a straight 2x6 anywhere.
No, it’s something that someone who had their country snatched away would say.
Still doesn’t help your case. I guess the thousands of buffalo I took pictures of in Yellowstone last year were just big fuzzy cows.
I have to agree wholeheartedly. I’m a gun owner who’s always loathed the thought of the NRA. The second amendment gives me the rights I need, period. The NRAs greatest achievement has been to convince simple minded basic ass rednecks that guns are a fucking right and not a privilege and that you need to have at least…
If you guys are going to be forced to have bad takes (that are not your actual opinion) on camera, you should do them with a little more feeling. I don’t fault you, but some acting classes wouldn’t hurt.
That’s all well and good if you can afford it, but just like the gas tax increase, it’s disproportionately unfair to the people that don’t have options when buying a car. This is on the manufacturers to deliver a car/truck that can meet real world emissions standards, and the regulatory agencies that create them. I…
Username checks out.
Nice write up, just a few notes. If you’re replacing a stock chain, you’ll have to grind a rivet down as there will be no clip. If the replacement chain you bought has a clip style master link then make sure to install the clip with the closed end leading with the rotation of the chain. Lastly, when waxing the chain,…
I honestly think it will be a necessity in the future for us car people. The more parts we can upload to 3D repositories, the better off we’ll be as the rise of the “Car as an appliance” generation takes over.
Counterpoint: They Hyabusa is an extremely comfortable and competent touring bike. They take bags well and have the weight and seating to be comfortable in the saddle for long periods of time.
This is precisely why I’ve finally ordered a 3D printer. My first print will be a CowTech 3D scanner then I’ll be tearing my XJ down to scan and print hard to find parts before they break.
-1 More than a hand-full and you risk a sprained thumb.
Need that to swap into my LeCar for lemons racing.
That wheel gap is lululemon approved.
Same in my XJ, my headlights are pretty much at rearview mirror level for others.
+1 excuse to show off mah gainz bro. Do you even lift?