
Something tells me he wanted to throw down the n word in that post as well.

Somewhere David Tracy is all like:

Who the fuck takes someone on a getaway for a grand breakup? Whatever happened to “It’s not working out, see ya.”

Came here to post exactly this. I have 12 years in wholesale and retread, and the one constant is that every manufacturer makes some real turds. Every single one. Do the research before stepping foot in a tire shop and tell them what you want. The salesman is not concerned about what you want, he’s more concerned with


I’m with you, this has been the case with both my 3/4 ton pickup as well as my XJ. You can also do this experiment in the rain if you don’t have snow. In 2wd, I find that the fronts lock first which forces me to manually modulate, where in 4wd, I can apply greater pedal pressure with less to no locking.

You can do all the sit ups, crunches, and planks you want. It’s not going to give you “abs” or reduce fat anywhere, you simply can’t target fat loss.

Found security footage of the incident:

Get cleaner at wrenching. Seriously, take the time to think about what you’re working on and where the fluids will go when the dam breaks. Gunk beforehand to cut down on the general grime and wear latex gloves. I spent roughly 7 years in service and have seen guys that could crawl under a cow shit soaked diesel

Ahh, didn’t realize it sucked that bad, never was a big Subaru fan. I’ll stand by my XJ then for the sheer bulletproof inline 6 and parts availability across the country.

Lucky you!

Don’t buy from a surplus outfit and eat all that markup. Go to govplanet and get this for well under half the price of the budget. Also, the continental engine will run on damn near anything that combusts.

Replace that rack with a Tepui rooftop tent and this is the correct answer all day. I would have recommended a good used XJ, but the gas mileage is shit.

When the screen in the dash is bigger than the box you know you’ve reached peak uselessness.

Sometimes the miss is so egregious that the people have to speak up.

Well done! Sorry about your trade.

I’ll appreciate it from the greys. +1 Charlie Daniels

Too bad this wasn’t on Jalopnik, it’s COTD material.

I wish I had a witty retort, but I generally have a shit palette and am as happy with two fingers of George Dickle as anything. There is a new distillery around that is selling a sorghum based rum that’s been aged in Woodford reserve barrels while their bourbon ages, and you can very much taste the barrel in it. Put

96 XJ - EVERYTHING rattles. Clearances on the interior bits is suspect enough when it’s 90 outside. When it’s in the teens, like it is now, it sounds like the thing is going to fall completely apart.