
If russell were a guy who could just dress up in a creepy mask and blow people away why wouldn't he just have done that with his neighbor though. He's a psychopath yeah but getting a gun and shooting a guy on school property doesn't really seem his thing. if he wants to get rid of gamby I think he'd do some long

holy fuck listen to your therapist and take your medication you dumb fuck

LMAO you at this again? who's the nutjob again you maniac? do you have alzheimers that I have to type out the same shit over and over again? Is this going to be a thing every couple months with you? No shit walt is reading the book in that scene, I said that myself, multiple times. I never said the book came out

We saved lives by vaporizing a couple cities, DUH, why wouldn't that be cheer worthy? I love this "my heinious mass murder war act is the least reprehensible" and the one you can feel good about shit. It's really useful and well spent time.

Is this some post-ironical I'm pretending to be a 12 year old with a limited command of english as some kind of elaborate performance art thing?

Is this some post-ironical I'm pretending to be a 12 year old with a limited command of english as some kind of elaborate performance art thing?

lmao your sitting here arguing about the brilliance of one white guy narcissst jerk off fantasy over another

lmao your sitting here arguing about the brilliance of one white guy narcissst jerk off fantasy over another

So you are some 80 year old who barely has two brain cells left to run together glad we cleared that up

Uh, a huge leap of faith? That's why it's bad writing? That's the entire fucking point of what I'm saying. We get it, you take somebody not loving a fucking tv show you personally are dumb enough to take every word of as gospel as a personal assault on your own very fragile identity and now you've gone off into

lmao you are dumb as hell. "The plot twist wasn't stupid cause Walt said he made a mistake. See, the thing happening makes sense because it happened on the show. I saw it happened when it happened on the show, so that's how it could happen." looool, how the FUCK does you describing the show make what happened on

Uh, you responded to me with your dumb bullshit first genius? Like do you have actual brain damage or mental disabilities here is that what's going on?

I pointed out what was in the show itself and why it didn't work, why are you now telling me your own 13 year old personal fan fiction fantasies? I literally do not give a shit about the illogical leaps your dumb ass brain makes to make bad writing "work," as I've said repeatedly.

I pointed out what was in the show itself and why it didn't work, why are you now telling me your own 13 year old personal fan fiction fantasies? I literally do not give a shit about the illogical leaps your dumb ass brain makes to make bad writing "work," as I've said repeatedly.

It's almost as if lots of shows with garbage writing are hugely popular because people settle for any old shit and I'm sure you take it as a personal assault on your identity when people point the failings of other media you enjoy too.

"Oh then why me and everyone else, were like Oh no no no no no no no no when Hank picked that book while on the toilet?"

"Oh then why me and everyone else, were like Oh no no no no no no no no when Hank picked that book while on the toilet?"

because your an idiot trying to pretend everyone else who puts more than two seconds thought into anything are the ones who don't "get it?" lmao that is some kind of magical back assward logic you've got there. The book was shown earlier in the show. The note wasn't shown in the book until that ending. We had

because your an idiot trying to pretend everyone else who puts more than two seconds thought into anything are the ones who don't "get it?" lmao that is some kind of magical back assward logic you've got there. The book was shown earlier in the show. The note wasn't shown in the book until that ending. We had

I know thinking and critical analysis is tough for you buddy but I already pointed there's nothing about that scene to indicate it was given to him personally by Gale, dipshit, if anything you'd assume he ran out and bought it due to his giant ego. Try not to get bent out of shape that someone doesn't hold a tv show