
When cataloguing music, a collector should treat solo artists' names the same as a band name. Thus, "Moody Blues" would be filed under "M". And "Matthew Sweet" would also be filed under "M". That makes it easier to keep things visually coherent. None of that "Sweet, Matthew" or "Davis, Miles" nonsense.

Miles Davis should be filed under "M".

R. Lee Ermey and Samuel L. Jackson are two actors who have made entire lucrative careers off replaying their breakout roles over and over. (Especially Jackson.)

I just wanted to step in here and tell you that your avatar makes me giddy. I am one hoopy frood.

Or a mild case of Xanderpuss-itis.

I beg your pudding?

Dear God, "The Magus"… My girlfriend in 1994 wanted to share books that we both liked, a sort of relationship therapy book club. She gave me one of her faves from college - "The Magus" - and I gave her one of my "holy trinity" of faves, Heller's "Catch-22". Right when we did this exchange, I was heading to Europe for

The first time I saw "Garth Mehrengi's 'Dark Place'", I felt like it had been made specifically for me. It was early in the morning, the world was asleep, I was alone, and I spent 30 minutes laughing so hard I almost passed out. Those 6 perfect episodes are mine, all mine, and no one else can have them.

Man… woman… fire hydrant… I don't care what you are. I love you.

Oh my God… if this means that there's some sort of arrangement with Waters, where down the line we get a Criterion edition of "Female Trouble"… I may just pass out from sheer joy.

This is a good question. I don't think I have an immediate answer. But as a kid, when I read books, the voice in my head doing the narration was that of local newscaster Rick Amme, from WXII Piedmont 12. He was on the TV every week night in our house, and I guess his delivery just seeped into my consciousness. He was

ONE MILLION UPVOTES for getting the reference. Thank you, kind sir or madam, for kicking off my holiday weekend with a big smile.

It's a schooner.

Oh my God… someone other than me remembers (and likes!) My Favorite! Dear God do I miss that band. Michael Grace's follow-up, The Secret History, are no slouches, but there was something about My Favorite was magical. I'm very lucky I got to see them live twice (on the same day!), as they were a NYC-based band. Go

Despite my comments above about how awful his Bravo shows are, I will give the man props for being the king of bemused double-takes during the all-screaming, all-fighting, all-crying reunion shows. At times he gets these semi-befuddled, semi-snarky, semi-vacant looks during the shows that are truly hysterical.

CourtTV? They became "TruTV", and now they're doing original movies, I think. No, you're right, TLC is the winner.

It's like you lifted every single word of your post from my brain on a Tuesday night when my wife is catching up on the shrieking harridans that Bravo has made into "celebrities". You REALLY nailed it with the "I watch what she wants" aside. Our TV viewing is definitely a one-way street once we're done with the things

Who is Paula Poundstone?

This is the greatest thing I've seen in weeks. Thank you for brightening my day.

Movies: "Forrest Gump". I walked out of the theater in the worst of moods. What a piece of dreck. Runner up: Michael Mann's "Heat". Two slogs separated by a great gunfight.