
That just happened here in California (and probably the entire western part of the US) with the supermarket chain Vons' Monopoly game. My wife was playing it like a madwoman… she even had friends and family mailing her game pieces! And she saw some guy online looking for anyone who had the two rare pieces for the

Oh, that's easy: the final level of "Miner 2049er" for Colecovision. It's a special level that was available only for that platform. It has what is possibly the most difficult joystick/jump button move in home console history, a single-pixel placement that only the best players could make. My little brother finally

I got to take my wife's cousin's 11 year old son to the midnight premiere of "Captain America: The First Avenger". It was his first late-night movie, and he was beyond excited to be doing something so "adult". Waiting in line before the show, we played Angry Birds and I explained some of the plot points from the other

He was no fan of Dioxin Dolly, that's for sure.

I agree with your assessments of his work… except the "Batman" soundtrack. "Batman" should be in "Advanced Studies". It's great, with amazing songs like "Electric Chair", "The Future", and the pop surprise of "Vicki Waiting".

I just wanted to thank whoever picked that cover photo for turning my right-out-of-the-gate crappy day into an incessantly giggling and smiling day.

*holds hand up* I don't hate it. It's nostalgic and wistful and melancholy. I remember what a treat it was when this song came on my local AM station when I was a kid. I was fascinated by the lyrical rhythms… and how long it ran! Just because McClean feels like music "ended" at a certain point doesn't make it so. It's

"(Interestingly, the blowback seems to be more about how annoying phones are and less about Aron’s condescension towards young movie-goers, who he clearly sees as lobotomized phone zombies.)"

For me, it was watching one of the local nerds at my local Putt-Putt blast through "Dragon's Lair" without making a single mistake. My jaw was on the floor as he dominated every single level, arriving at the final stage and winning the game. I'd never seen the end… never even gotten close! So that was a seminal video

Oh dear God, you had to remind me about "Mixed Nuts"… one of only 2 movies I've ever walked out of. 10 minutes in. It was so bad, my girlfriend and I actually badgered the manager for our money back, eventually getting free passes.

I am SO GLAD that "Christmas At Ground Zero" was included in this list. During snow storms, I would blast the song from my dorm window towards the big foot traffic area that my building faced on campus. You'd see people smiling and laughing as various lyrics caught their ear.

Cow Tails. Delicious. A staple from when I was a kid. People who don't like them are probably sociopaths or bedwetters… there's definitely something going wrong in their dismissive little pea brains.

Get Yoko Ono to caterwaul a version and Jann Wenner will dig into his desk drawer and dust off his "5 stars" stamp.

Everyone's laughing at the eyebrows, and the hair, and the 90s style, but the truth of the matter is, she's insanely beautiful, then and now.

Hey, you posted this as a joke, but when I was a kid, the Bell Beefer was AMAZING. My folks would get those sad tacos, but I'd always go for that incredible taco-as-a-hamburger delicacy.

Louie Anderson has been HYSTERICAL on this show. But there's a sweetness to his performance as well. My wife and I love him as Christine.

I actually got to fulfill this wish back in October 2014: I went to see the "Hedwig And The Angry Inch" revival in NYC. An amazing show with amazing music.

My favorite gag in the entire movie.

I can understand Rednex being Hatesong'ed, but not Baltimora. NEVER Baltimora. "Tarzan Boy" is one of the few perfect singles created in the mid 80s. The extended version is even better.

This entire season has been excellent and revelatory and brilliant. And I will forever thank Parker and Stone for giving me and my wife "BUCKLE UP, BUCKAROO!", which we now use incessantly.