
Of all the wonderful characters that inhabit the "Futurama" universe, Zapp Branigan is far and away my favorite. Billy West's incredible melding of William Shatner and Phil Hartman gives Branigan such a distinct flair.

Oh, one more thing: was anyone else freaked out when the Hoffman Twins actually PUT THEIR ARMS AROUND EACH OTHER? I swear to God, I have believed, throughout this entire season, that they were actually ONE LITTLE GIRL that was being doubled on screen. When they physically interacted, I almost leapt off the couch.

She had a "Tim & Eric" vibe going on… She was obviously cast because she's relatively cute, but man was she uncomfortable on camera. Combined with those insane weather/lotto graphics, that whole segment felt like a bad acid trip.

Noel might not have the raspy pipes of Liam, but his turn on "Little By Little" (on their fifth album, "Heathen Chemistry") makes it one of my absolute favorite Oasis songs. An undiscovered gem that probably only true fans are aware of.

I don't want to slight this great analysis, because Prince is my favorite and this piece is extremely well-written, but… THAT MAGAZINE COVER! BWAAAHAHAHAHA! Oh dear Lord, I'm going to be laughing about that all day long. Thank you, Noel. Just the way to get my day started.

I loved the scene with Rick and Carl deciding to keep their skills up by scrapping with those walkers. Carl definitely doesn't want to remain weak.

Right of the top of my head, my answer is "33" from the first season of the relaunched "Battlestar Galactica". An hour of heart-seizing tension that never ends. I made the mistake of introducing my wife to the series with this episode (not the five-episode mini-series… I didn't have it handy), and when it was over,

As appealing as the tranquil environs of Middle Earth's Shire are, I don't know if I could disconnect myself from the pop culture stuff I absolutely need to survive. So, assuming that every comic book, song, and movie had been transferred to a quantum cloud reachable whilst cruising through hyperspace, I'd have to

Oh, and Howard Jones is a god, too. "Human's Lib" and "Dream Into Action" are both great albums. "Action" might get a little bloated towards the end, but as far as songwriting and production (and talented keyboard playing) go, the two albums are untouchable.

"A Flock Of Seagulls frontman Mike Score’s triangular coiffure almost overshadowed the band’s music (a shame, since their frantic, atmospheric self-titled debut LP—which spawned the hits “I Ran (So Far Away)“ and bittersweet “Space Age Love Song”—deserves better than derision). "

I was at a wedding in Germany in July 1994. The DJ played this song, and every young person in the place went nuts and jumped on the dance floor and started SWING DANCING to this awful thing. And it turns out… the DJ decided to do his own 15-minute megamix of "Cotton-Eyed Joe". Ugh.

He's a mutated cat. Or what cats turn into 2000 years into the future.

I like what I like and I'm on iTunes all the time.

If it will help the stats, I will add my +1 to the tally of people who didn't listen to a single note of that album.

Loved the episode, but my wife and I were a tad confused: how exactly did the RV group wind up at that warehouse, and with Eric? We felt like we missed something, as if a scene were cut for timing.

Holy cow. Lots of hate here for this show. Whatever. I laughed all the way through it. The horrible TV sitcom style completely worked for me. B+, at least.

This show is the best thing to happen to me so far in 2015. I laughed my ass off for 22 minutes. Steve Brule never fails to make me happy. And the murderer's row of T&E semi-regulars! Pure bliss.

Funny enough, her performance at the Freddie concert is what turned me off to her for good, even though I was a big Eurythmics fan up to then. When she was interviewed about the importance of the show, and how everyone was there to celebrate Freddie, she commented that she didn't care about any of that, she just

I don't know if mine counts as a "scene" per se, but I would have loved to be hanging with the cast of "The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai" during the filming of the amazing credits scene in the LA river aqueduct area. The cast actually seems to be enjoying themselves as the crowd grows larger and larger.

I had this question answered before I even finished reading the headline: Talking Heads. My ex-wife's drug-addled aggravating hippy sister LOVED the band, especially the album with "And She Was". I got viscerally turned off during her enthusiastic tape-playing binges, where every song got a "Oh my GOD you HAVE to