
"Loveless", then, by a wispy, noisy, beautiful nose.

I hope to gods in part 2 you cover Joan Osborne's "One Of Us" and Sarah McLachlan's blatant rip-off "Building The Mystery". Seriously, cue them up, and listen. Exact same song. (Osborne's came first, by the way.)

At the risk of being offensive, you're out of your gourd. "Lesser Of Two Evils" is one of my favorite Futurama episodes. Probably top 10 material. Flexo's pattern of insulting someone, then giving that five-pack-a-day laugh and clapping them on the back with a friendly rejoinder, always makes me laugh. And the

A few comments:

The first movie date I had with my now-wife was this stinker. Apart from Baker's makeup and a couple of the performances, this movie pummeled my soul.

I've got two that I use regularly.

I know the pictures that go with these articles are carefully selected for maximum snark or impact or humor, but every once and a while, the associated image at the top of the article hits that trifecta. This, my friends, is one of those times.

I can't be completely sure if I bought it with my money or my mom got it for me, but the first 45 record I can truly call my own was Mico's "Star Wars Theme", purchased at JCPenney in the summer of 1977. The first record I can absolutely recall buying with my own money at the counter was Blondie's "Call Me" 45. Whew.

THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for including Alvvays on your "just missed it" list. I discovered their album during the first week of December, and I've probably listened to it 30 times since then. A fantastic record that sounds nostalgic and yet fresh at the same time.

Yipes. I have no idea what this song sounds like. I try to stay at least semi-aware of current music and movie trends, but I guess I've officially become a cranky old man at 48. Time to go soak my feet in epsom salts and take my high blood pressure medicine.

The thing I'm going to miss the most from The Colbert Report: the random Michael-Stipe-on-a-shelf "HI-yo!" response to Stephen's bad jokes.

I have listened to no song more this year than "Archie, Marry Me" by Canadian pop band Alvvays. Their debut album is also my favorite of 2014. Incredibly catchy early 90s guitar pop filtered through 2014 production. I'm going to go listen to it again, right now.

"Pacer" is great. If you like the poppier aspects of "Last Splash" then you'll love "Pacer", like I do.

The Lassie Foundation is one of my favorite bands of the 2000s. Their album "Pacifico" is shoegazer-pop perfection. Find "She's The Coming Sun/She's Long Gone" on iTunes or YouTube and prepare to fall in love.

My biggest pop culture accomplishment was tiny but satisfying: I got my wife into the "Carl!" meme joke thing. I was unsure if she would appreciate just how dumb it is, but after the third one, she and I spent the next half hour in bed, laughing our asses off and scouring the Net for as many as we could find. That

When I met my now-wife she was watching this show, and I wound up seeing years worth of episodes. I have to totally disagree with the author: Paige Davis was the most aggravating, annoying, cloying host of any show ever in the history of TV. She never came across as sincere, and then the build-up to her "look at me,

I think I might be done with "Constantine" at this point. There's something about the vibe of the show that just doesn't click with me. It's got this NCIS "death of the week" thing going on. And Constantine himself irritates me. He's too clenched, too cocky, too harsh. I'd always had it in my head that he was more

I would give anything - ANYTHING - to own one of the original maps from "Time Bandits". I have a fan-made copy that's amazingly detailed and intricate (and it's even printed on canvas!), but to hold in my hands one of the actual props from the movie would thrill me beyond words.

From the review: "although the angry melodrama could use some fine-tuning"

Oh, and I have an autographed picture from "Weird Al". In high school, I sent him a parody that I wrote, and he sent me a letter politely thanking me but unable to use something he didn't write himself. And he included a picture of himself holding his accordion, with a bunch of bananas on his head. He inscribed it,