
His hair is indeed impressive, but up close, his SKIN was incrediby smooth and young. I asked him what soap he used to stay so youthful looking, and he said, "A crazy little thing called Dove."

I've got autographs from Rick Geary (the cartoonist), Katie Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer (a gift from a friend), Brian May, Chuck McCann, and Jack Kirby.

"Hellcow". Yet another Howard The Duck reference in the MCU. Could a Phase 4 feature film be far behind?…

Good question. I certainly have some boy-crush movie makers. Definitely TERRY GILLIAM. Just being able to see "Zero Theorem" in an actual theater a couple of weeks ago was a jolt of happiness to my soul. DAVID FINCHER, GUILLERMO DEL TORO, WES ANDERSON… they are also opening weekend appointments.

Maybe I'm the old guy in the room, but does anyone else remember her excellent work on that odd little early-days-of-TBS "variety show" called "Tush"? That's where I first saw her, back in the early 80s. She played a female Joel Osteen-type Bible thumper who was always trying to get people to send her money to put

QUARK? QUARK?!?!? I thought only my friend Mark and I remembered that awesome show. Will, I think I have a hetero-crush on you.

Oh man, we have different senses of humor, because that Redskins raid on the Kickstarter HQ had me howling. It was completely cliched, it was beat-for-beat like every oater movie from the 40s, but that's what made it so funny. And no one does chaotic blood and gore like the South Park team.

Donald Trump. My wife has even given me the tongue-in-cheek nickname "The Donald".

No, it'll be a cover by the guy who did that dreary, dull cover of Tears For Fears' "Mad World" from "Donnie Darko".

Please quit bagging on Mike. He anchored his spot in the group perfectly.

The Comic Strip box has everything. 39 episodes, a few of which are full-fledged films, which I wasn't expecting.

Like I said, being left to my own devices, I decided to be a complete slug. And I needed it.

The wife is out of town at a wedding and I decided to spend all day Saturday catching up on my pop culture stuff. So far this weekend:

Exactly. Mars Attacks = Art.

I discovered the song "Fat Bottomed Girls" in 1980, when I met my new friend Tom in social studies in 9th grade. He introduced me to Queen and began my life-long obsession with the band. He made me a taped copy of the single (which was a double-A side with "Bicycle Race"), and I proceeded to play that song OVER AND

THANK YOU. How could someone review this movie and not even mention his name? Even in passing? The mind boggles.

I wish I could go back and see both of Jim Carrey's big 1994 movies, "The Mask" and "Dumb And Dumber", again for the first time. Those two movies blew my mind. They're still favorites that I pop in and watch regularly.

1994 may have been filled with crappy Billboard Number One singles, but there were still some awesome tunes released that year. "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys, "What's The Frequency Kenneth?" by REM, "Cannonball" by the Breeders, "Closer" by nine inch nails, "Get Off This" by Cracker… for me, there were plenty of

I was 28 when this movie came out, and although I was certainly enjoying and plugged into quite a bit of that early 90s culture, this thing just didn't click with me at all. That last scene, where Ryder runs back to greasy Hawke and is sooooo in love and finally complete… it was just so awful.

Did they get their name from the character in the old "Killraven"/"War Of The Worlds" comics from Marvel back in the 70s?