
Up-voted for "Motherfuckin' Robocop".

This might sound weird, but when I'm in the depths of everyday and/or existential hell, nothing puts a smile on my face faster than "Jackass". The movies, the TV show… hell, I've even got the 10th anniversary book that I pull off the shelf every several months and flip through. Above and beyond the goofy stunts, there

Oh. Really? That's it? Huh. I only saw one trailer, I guess I missed that. Thanks for the info, I was just curious.

To anyone who's seen the movie: what's with the daughter picking out a wig? I'm just curious if the movie dives off the side of the schmaltz pool into the deep end of kids with cancer? Or is she discovering that she may be transgendered? Or is it something along those lines?

Nothing makes me laugh harder than Dick Van Patten getting his sandwich slapped out of his hand.

The "BOINNNG!" when he grabs his crotch is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Watching the video just now, for what was probably the 50th time in my life, it still made me laugh out loud. And now I'll be giggling about it all day.

Pause the video at about 5 seconds in. Check out the background dictionary page, specifically the definition for "accordion".

I'm waiting to see the full scope of that black-and-white photo Ryan has. The way the dog statue is framed so far to the left, you just know that there's something even weirder hiding right outside the frame.

I can't tell you how many times my friends and I yelled "MISERABLE FAT BELGIAN BASTARDS!" at each other. It always got a laugh.

You bourt a Focus? You should have leest it.

They directed the second Captain America movie. Joe Johnston, legendary director and movie visualist (he created Boba Fett's look!) directed the first one.

"Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." is a line that my wife and I quote to each other all the time. That may be my favorite opening of the entire series.

"Speed Racer" is perhaps my favorite movie of the last 10 years. The effects are incredible, the story is an amazing olio of the entire original cartoon series, and John Goodman completely knocks it out of the park as a Pops Racer who has incredible depth.

Not that "Skid Row" isn't a great song, but "Suddenly Seymour" is the best thing on the soundtrack. And in the movie.

When I saw this episode on my local PBS back in the early 80s, the "masturbation" line was there.

Ming Tea also featured MATTHEW SWEET, the greatest power pop tunesmith of modern times. I just wanted to point that out, since he was the best and most consistent musical artist of the 1990s and pretty much created the soundtrack for my life during that decade. Thank you.

With regards to the next-to-last Stray Observation about the audience cracking up to something off-screen… I've watched this episode almost one thousand times, and I think what happened is that the fake head fell off the wrapped-up Njorl dummy as they were setting it into the witness box, and the actors scrambled to

I know I've found a soulmate if they can quote the Ken Shabby sketch from "Monty Python", if they know the words to "Love Of My Life" by Queen, or if they can quote at length from "The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai: Across The Eighth Dimension".

This film is such a let-down. There is no excuse for the gymnastics scene, or the T-Rex somehow trapped in the hold after everyone died. I have read that there's a deleted scene which shows *raptors* killing all the people on the boat, but that still doesn't explain how they all disappeared.

I know I'm late to the party, but… WARD DID NOT SHOOT THE DOG. He shot IN THE AIR. When they cut back to him after Buddy runs away, you can clearly see his shoulder elevated. And how could he be tracking Buddy with a scope after that? It was Ward, watching from afar, to see how well his pupil followed his orders.