
That was phenomenal.

"…I'm finding more and more I have to create abitrary distinctions for bands I used to love (e.g., no Pumpkins "count" after the breakup)…"

What did they get wrong? (I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm a casual AIC fan and don't know all the history.)

When I looked it up in the dictionary, that was the spelling I founded.

Brian's post-spraying rampage through the house had me gasping for air I was laughing so much. Brian's "roo-roo-roo-roo!" dog voice is always funny, especially when he's panicking.

When Roger began to "reacquaint" himself with playing guitar… that string-slide sound as he ground against it was hysterical.

This was a sort of dull episode… but "I was hoping they'd be darker" floored me.

And Peter Davison. (That one wrote itself.)

I wish I could upvote this a zillion times.

They're probably going to profile that dreadfully dull movie with the ex-Mrs. Chris Martin and Aragorn.

Hands up if you ever went to see OMC in concert. In 1997. In San Francisco. At the Great American Music Hall. And stood in the front row. Next to two GIANT Maori women who knew every word to every song.

And "Pocket Full Of Kryptonite". Three songs. And hate all you want, but that album was the tits.

With regards to viewing the violence now as an adult versus then as a kid… I actually do have a weird reaction seeing it now, but it's not one of revulsion or disapproval. It's the thought that, "Man, I bet the over-coddling parents of today would have a shit-fit if their precious little angels saw this." My entire

I would spend a weekend riding in the Porkchop Express with Jack Burton and drinking gigantic Chinese beers on the docks as we played incredibly complicated domino-based games into the wee hours of the morning.

After reading the comments below, I'm in the minority in finding the spinach gag another classic, laugh-inducing stop-the-show-for-an-eternity moment. I laughed harder at that joke than anything else in the show. It ranks up there with other awesome time-waster gags like falling down and clasping his shin after


It's known in Hollywood as "the DiCaprio Syndrome".

"Gay Witch Hunt" is one of my Top 5 episodes. A++++++++

She did, however, appear in a season 3 episode as a "ghost"/memory that everyone was seeing in different states of mood and dress.

My family laughed, when I brought home Black Draught.