
I love the opening to the original "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" with all my heart. Even now, when I hear the first beats of the music and see the first whip-pan of the video, a get a big dumb grin on my face.

I'll agree in that it's my least favorite of the recurring sketches. But the last appearance with that bizarre "Too Much Tuna" riffing was funny.

Or… the HAPPIEST record ever.

As a movie makeup nerd, I have to say, the pigmentation on his hands in the first big-mouth-face picture actually looks pretty good. But for some reason, the skin tone on the face doesn't work. Ever. Chapelle, Eddie Murphy… it just doesn't leap over the uncanny race valley.

I'm gonna get my show back!

(ugh, so hard to get past that Courtney Voldemort picture to get into the forum…)

Ha! I was wondering if anyone would follow up on that. No, no I'm not. But he put two and two together - Seagulls, bright fuschia "Choose Life" T-shirt, moussed Mr. Mister mullet - and came up with gay.

Ah, I was waiting for a Seagulls bashing, and here it is. Laugh all you want. They were one of the greatest of the New Romantic bands. And everyone remembers Mike Score's iconic hairstyle.

Jesus H. Christ, you get that too? I feel your pain. I have an age-old friend who LOVES this show, and just because I'm a comic book reader, she instantly assumes I'm going to LOOOOOVE the Sheldon character. I've watched the show once (at her insistence, actually) and it didn't click.

I'm the older of two brothers by 4 years, so there was very little sharing of pop culture. In fact, we hit a particularly big rift in our tastes back in the summer of 1985. I was home from my freshman year of college, listening to a tape on my boom box. He burst into my room for no reason - we hadn't been fighting or

But that's the point: that the police are needlessly violent towards people who HAVE RIGHTS. We all have the right to commit a crime and pay for it through the justice system. We do NOT have the right to be killed for that.

I find it very hard to believe that Detective Horatio Caine would be unable to pull off such an expert shot.

The corollary to this is how every procedural show seems to end with the bad guy getting shot right in the heart. Always a kill shot. Never an incapacitating wound. Is that some standard police tactic? I would think that if you're going for the torso, why not take out the shoulder of the gun-toting arm.

Regardless of your politics, you gotta admit: that was really great. And the end reveal was genius.

Clarence J. Boddicker is one of the most awesome villains in 80s cinema, if not of all-time. Smith's tantrum in the truck at the beginning of the movie always makes me laugh out loud, even after dozens of times seeing it.

I prefer Tan Penis Island.

"Larry The Looter" from The Simpsons.

I definitely know who Drake is, but apart from his Mountain Dew commercial, I've never heard a single song by him. So does that still count?

My Bloody Valentine is NOT hipster. Not unless there was some weird seismic shift in the music world between 1991 and 2013 that I wasn't aware of.

I guess I have to join the chorus of the confused, crying "C?!?!?!" Many of the things listed in the review as contributing to its "weakest episode" status were completely and utterly necessary to showing just how far they've both fallen and deteriorated. I found the dense exposition riveting, because it showed that